Page 98 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 98

4.7.4 Fresh Air Heating
       Type 1: Hot water powered system                      not done and the heater circuit freezes during
       It  is  Domino’s  standard  practice  to  fit  a  low   cold weather, the repair costs will be passed to
       pressure hot water (LPHW) heater battery in the       the Main Contractor.
       fresh air intake duct, to temper the intake air in
       cold weather conditions. (This is not intended to     Type 2: Electric powered fresh air heating system
       provide a guaranteed ambient, nor minimum,            Occasionally it may not be possible to provide
       temperature within the store).                        a  LPHW  system,  in  which  case  an  equivalent
                                                             electrically powered  heater  battery  will be
       The hot  water  will be  provided  by the  central    required  instead.  The  final  connections  will  be
       heating  circuit  of  a  gas  fired  condensing       made by the site electrician, but the  liaison
       combi-boiler installed as part of the shopfitting     noted above with the plumber, will in this case
       contract. This boiler will provide approximately      be liaison with the electrician. This will require a
       18kW of heat, and the HVAC contractor should          suitable sized 3-phase electrical supply.
       supply and install a heater battery to this rating.

       The  final  water  plumbing  connections  will
       be  made  by  the  site  plumber  but  the  HVAC
       contractor  should  supply  a  suitable  3-way
       valve  and thermostat,  to control  the system
       according to the air temperature in the duct.
       It is NOT acceptable to rely solely on the boiler
       thermostat  to  switch  the  heating  circuit.  The
       HVAC  contractor  must  liaise  with  the  plumber
       to ensure the system is left working and provide
       any instructions that may be necessary to.

       The  plumber  should  install  suitable  isolating
       valves  on  both  sides  of  the  LPHW  coil  unit  to
       allow for  maintenance  and  removal    without
       affecting the rest of the installation. The heater
       circuit  MUST  be  filled  with  a  suitable  and
       approved  anti-freeze  fluid  on  commissioning.
       (“Suitable”  meaning  approved  by  the  boiler
       manufacturer for use in the make and model of
       boiler installed in each job)

       A label must be affixed inside the casing of each
       boiler, warning that the heating system contains
       anti-freeze and that it must be refilled. If this is

       4.7.4                       Fresh Air Heating                                     3 February 2016
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