Page 93 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 93
4.7 Ventilation and Air Conditioning
From the beginning of 2013, the standard • Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations
ceiling colour in Customer area and Bake and 1998 + 2018 amendment that came in to
Serve has changed from standard white to RAL force on 6 April 2018.
7037 ( grey) for both new stores and re-fits. All
ceiling grilles and air con ceiling face plates All plant, ducts, pipes cables etc. shall be
will therefore need spraying to match – White adequately protected against accidental
or other colours will not be acceptable in these damage, corrosion and external environment
area’s (BOH is not affected and will remain in and shall be capable of safe decontamination
white.) and removal in the future without disturbing
other services. Pipes and ducts shall be
adequately sized, kept as short as practicable,
leak-proof with a minimum number of joints
and have provision for routine maintenance in
4.7.1 Overview accordance with TR-19 regulations duct access
The project includes all of the mechanical hatches / panels to allow full clearing access.
services works associated with the fitting out of
an existing shell unit to create a fully operational All facilities shall be designed to prevent the
pizza delivery operation. Domino’s operation ingress or egress of rodents, vermin and insects.
produces very little grease and the extract
system is predominantly removing heat and gas The HVAC contractor shall supply the client with
combustion fumes. system design drawings, prior to manufacture
and installation. The HVAC contractor will
All work shall be carried out in accordance also supply a comprehensive operation and
with the latest relevant British ( or Irish where maintenance manual on completion of the
appropriate) and European Standards, works and any EVA/ECA claim back paper
Statutory Regulation and Byelaws together with work (where appropriate).
the following publications
• CIBSE Codes and Guides to Current Practice For projects in England and Wales, the HVAC
• Water Authority By Laws contractor shall also demonstrate compliance
• DW/143 Guide to good practice Ductwork with Building Regulations Approved Documents
Air Leakage Testing L2A & L2B. This will include:
• DW/144 Specification for Sheet Metal • Provision of details of the efficiency and
Ductwork controls of heating, cooling and ventilation
• DW/172 Specification for Kitchen Ventilation systems in accordance with the Non-
Systems Domestic Heating, Cooling and Ventilation
• RUAG70 Guide to Good Practice - Compliance Guide (2006).
Refrigeration • Provision of commissioning certificates
• The Building Regulations including air leakage tests on the ductwork.
4.7 Ventilation and Air Conditioning 30 May 2018
4.7.1 Overview 30 May 2018