Page 88 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 88
Camera 3 - Customer Area lens to be installed in the prep area at a height
The CBP6324DN Day/Night camera works of 2.5m to view the prep area.
down to 0.003 Lux, at resolutions of 650TVL
colour/700TVL mono with a 2.8-10mm vari-focal Digital Recorder
lens installed over the make line at a height of The Outputs of camera numbers 1-8 are to be
2.5m to view the customer area recorded onto the hard disk of a Digital Video
Recorder located in the managers office. The
Camera 4 - Tills recorder should have 8 inputs available and a
The CBP6324DN Day/Night camera works storage capacity of 1TB. The unit should support
down to 0.003 Lux, at resolutions of 650TVL up to 4 audio inputs, which can be assigned
colour/700TVL mono with a 2.8-10mm vari-focal to any channel. Live and recorded audio
lens installed alongside the till area at a height can be monitored over the internet and the
of 2.5m to view the tills advance ‘talk back’ facility allows two way
communications with the site.
Camera 5 - Makeline
The CBP6324DN Day/Night camera works
down to 0.003 Lux, at resolutions of 650TVL
colour/700TVL mono with a 2.8-10mm vari-focal
lens to be installed over the slap table at a
height of 2.5m to view the makeline
Camera 6 - Oven/ Cut table
The CBP6324DN Day/Night camera works
down to 0.003 Lux, at resolutions of 650TVL
colour/700TVL mono with a 2.8-10mm vari-focal
lens to be installed by the oven at a height of
2.5m to view the oven exit and cut table
Camera 7 - Office
The CBP6324DN Day/Night camera works
down to 0.003 Lux, at resolutions of 650TVL
colour/700TVL mono with a 2.8-10mm vari-focal
lens to be installed in the manager’s office at a
height of 2.5m to view the managers office
Camera 8 - Prep area
The CBP6324DN Day/Night camera works
down to 0.003 Lux, at resolutions of 650TVL
colour/700TVL mono with a 2.8-10mm vari-focal
4.5.6 CCTV 3 September 2018