Page 86 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 86
4.5.5 Security System
A security alarm system is mandatory for all Main contractor to supply and install power
stores. supplies for the security alarm as necessary,
including a 13A fused spur above the drivers
The system shall be designed, supplied and door for an electrically operated lock.
installed by a NACOSS approved alarm installer.
A typical installation will include the following Access Control – The pizza delivery drivers door
items but may vary as recommended by the must have access control. This will normally be
specialist contractor and MUST always comply a door secured by an electro-magnetic lock
with the latest ACPO requirements, including or some other form of electrically operated
dual signalling and dual activation for police locking device. As standard, it should be
response. released from the inside by a robust push button
and from the outside by a proximity reader and
NOTE: the comment in 4.4.4 Telephone System, regarding programmable key fobs or similar device.
the need for an extra “9” to be programmed into the
communication system to connect to BT Featureline. It is essential that the lock ‘fails safe’ and
releases automatically in the event of a fire
• Single reed magnetic contacts to the front alarm activation.
and rear doors,
• Passive infra red detectors to the customer The driver’s door must have an automatic closer
area, office and rear corridor, fitted and this must be correctly adjusted to
• Personal attack buttons to the customer ensure proper locking without either excessive
service counter and office force or time delay.
• Control panel and keypad in the office
• Redcare or approved alternative signalling All installation, commissioning and O&M
• Final Exit keypad at nominated door. manuals must be provided by the Principal
Contractor on project handover.
4.5.5 Security System 3 September 2018