Page 85 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 85
• Terminate telephone extension lines. The UK “Self-build” franchisees will need to speak to
standard is: 4No. on the counter, 1No. their alarm and phone system companies and
at drivers table (If the shop is ready, fix make them aware of this. This does not affect
handset(s) on the wall as required. If the ROI stores.
shop is not ready, then turn the back plate The system should be programmed as standard
round on the phone ready for the shopfitters to operate as follows:
to fix on the wall), 1No. in office, 2No. “wiring Pick Handset UP
only” positions, wall mounted (location will Dial 9 for a line, then dial the required number
vary). Wait for a few seconds,
– Phone display will then say, “Enter Account
If the counter is small, the number of extensions Code now” Dial the A/C code, which is: 1 9 7 1
on the counter will reduce from 4 to 3No. or in Phone will then automatically continue to dial
very exceptional circumstances, 2No. If there the number which was previously entered.
are less than 4 handsets on the counter, there
will be additional wall mounted handsets to Other system manufacturers may be different
compensate. but should be programmed to achieve a similar
There may be additional lines to terminate if a
larger system is installed. Domino’s Pizza Caller ID Cable Installation Guide
The number of phones on the counter is normally For a standard system, the site electricians will
governed by the number of bays within the run two CAT5 data cables for Caller ID. These
counter, and there is always one handset in cables are to be left coiled in the ceiling near to
each counter bay ( excluding the “disabled/ the BT DP box, at one end, and then run to the
COLLECT” bay). office computer cabinet and terminated with
RJ45 sockets by the site electrician, at the other
• Connect the previously laid in cables for end.
the Caller ID, to the telephone system – see These two cables need punching down into the
below for ‘punch-down’ details. NTTP box by the telephone engineer, as follows:
• Leave telephone system programmed and First cable:
tested - if the site is not ready for the phones • Line 1, orange and white & orange.
to go out, they should be left in a box in the • Line 2, green and white & green.
office or other secure location. • Line 3, blue and white & blue.
• Most UK stores are now automatically part of • Line 4, brown and white & brown
a “BT Featureline” package. As a result, an
additional “9” needs to be programmed into Second cable:
phone systems and alarm systems to enable • Line 5, orange and white & orange.
connection to the BT Featureline network. • Line 6, green and white & green.
• Line 7, blue and white & blue.
• Line 8, brown and white & brown
4.5.4 Telephone System 3 September 2018