Page 84 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 84

4.5.4 Telephone System
       Where applicable, standard DPG phone system           Summary of telephone cables required:
       requirements are:                                     •  4No.  4-pair  (or  equivalent)  from  phone
       •  5-line group for the main store number                 system box position to location of BT DP.
       •  1 line ADSL enabled for IT link                    •  8No. CAT-5E cables from phone system box
       •  1  line  ADSL  enabled  for  CCTV  link  and           position to front counter for handsets etc.
          modem, plus Validator safe if installed            •  1No. CAT-5E cable from phone system box
       •  2 lines for PDQ machines                               position to drivers table location
       •  1 line for security alarm link                     •  2No. CAT-5E cables from phone system box
                                                                 position to “wiring only” wall locations (See
       As  part  of  the  electrical  installation,  a  CAT-5E   project drawing for position)
       cable from the location of the telephone system       •  2No. CAT-5E cables from phone system box
       cabinet must be installed to:                             position  to  RJ45  sockets  in  office  Comms
       •  The extension handset positions (typically             Cupboard for Caller ID.
          7No. in total)                                     •  1No. CAT-5E cable from phone system box
       •  The modem/CCTV (under counter)                         position to alarm system location (typically
       •  The alarm (in office)                                  in the office)
       •  The  PDQ’s  machines  (2No.  typically  under      •  TOTAL = 18 telephone system cables
       •  The ADSL  (under counter)                          Telephone  system  installation  engineer is
                                                             required to (this list does NOT include CAT-5 and other
       Note where BT / ADSL sockets are not within the comms   cables which are  to  be run  in addition, as part of  the
       cabinet the main contractor must run connectors back to   computer system):
       the comms cabinet location.                           •  Install the  telephone  system cabinet
                                                                 complete  and terminate the  internal
       Leaving each of the above in open back boxes,             extension lines into it, including identification
       the electrician must:                                     of cables and labelling them as necessary
       •  Lay  in  2No.  CAT5  cables  from  the  phone      •  Connect  previously  laid-in  link  cables
          system  cabinet  position  to  the  Comms              between the BT DP and telephone system.
          Cupboard in the office, terminated in RJ45         •  Terminate  the  previously  laid cables for  BT
          sockets in back boxes, for Caller ID.                  direct lines to the modem, alarm, PDQ’s and
       •  Lay in 4No. 4-pair cables (min. 16 pairs in total      ADSL positions.  (NOTE: the alarm line should be
          required)  from  the  position  of  the  phone         terminated within 1 metre of the alarm box, using a
          system cabinet to the position of the BT DP.           terminal block with screw terminals)
       •  In some cases ISDN is installed for the main       •  Supply     and    install  telephone     socket
          number lines instead of Analogue lines, if this        faceplates to all  of the open back boxes
          is the case then one CAT5 cable should be              installed by the site electrician. All sockets to
          provided per circuit. (Please note that there is no    be labelled
          need to provide a 4-pair cable for each line)      Note that to make effective use of space in the counter,
       •  Leave  all  cables  with  identifying  labels  at   the telephone sockets should be of the ‘modular’ type.
          BOTH ends.

       4.5.4                       Telephone System                                      3 September 2018
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