Page 87 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 87

4.5.6 CCTV
          CCTV  is  mandatory  for  all  new  stores  and       •  For the purposes of this Specification, front,
          must  comply  with  the  following  minimum               rear, left and right are defined as standing at
          requirements.                                             the front of, and facing the premises. CCTV
                                                                    System  Classification:  The  CCTV  System  is
          The minimum specification for CCTV is that :-             classified by NACOSS as a Lowlight System,
          •  The system must be digital, with 21 days min.          capable  of  operating  from  full  sunlight
             storage capacity.                                      (105lux) down to twilight (approx. 4 lux).
          •  The  system must  have remote  access
             through the Internet                               Scope of Works
          •  Min. 6No. cameras, must be installed, unless       •  To install 6 x internal day/night mini domes
             a positive exception is made by DP UK&I Ltd.           & 2 x external day/ night/infra red cameras,
          •  The IP address must be made available to               controlled by an 8 way 1Tb digital recorder
             DP  UK&I  Ltd  management  together  with  a           sited in the office in a lockable box.
             user name and password                             •  To  install  to  the  network  by  a  Netgear  (or
          •  A dedicated ADSL line must be installed for            similar and approved) router
             use by the CCTV system
          •  There  should be an additional  facility           Camera 1 - Front Entrance
             available on one camera to listen in via web       A  12v  dc  External  1/3”  Vandal  Resistant  Day/
             link                                               Night  MiniDome  (with  IR)  Camera  having  a
          •  There must be full compliance with the Data        resolution  of  540TVL  equipped  with  a  4-9mm
             Protection  Act  including  registration  and      varifocal  lens  and  requiring  a  min.  scene
             annual fee to the DPA Commissioner                 illumination of 0.1 lux colour/0 lux Mono is to be
                                                                installed Front Entrance at a height of 3 metres
          If any technical advice or clarification is required,   to view 10 for the purpose of to cover the main
          this can be obtained from the I.T. Department         entrance doors. Camera to include integrated
                                                                infra-red  LED’s  which  will  provide  night  time
          A typical specification for the preferred system is   visibility for up to 20m.
          given below. All suppliers must provide an equal
          or better system.                                     Camera 2 - Rear Entrance
                                                                A  12v  dc  External  1/3”  Vandal  Resistant  Day/
          Specification:                                        Night  MiniDome  (with  IR)  Camera  with  a
          •  CCTV  System  to  comply  with  National           resolution  of  540TVL  equipped  with  a  4-9mm
             Security Inspectorate Code of Practice NCP         varifocal  lens  and  requiring  a  min.  scene
             104 (Design, Installation and Maintenance of       illumination of 0.1 lux colour/0 lux Mono to be
             CCTV Systems) including the requirements of        installed Rear Entrance at a height of 3m to view
             BS EN 50132-7: 2012, with particular reference     10  to  cover  rear  entrance  doors.  This  camera
             to clause 7.11 of NCP 104.                         to include integrated infra-red LED’s which will
                                                                provide night time visibility for up to 20m.

          4.5.6                      CCTV                                                   3 September 2018
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