Page 91 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 91
4.6 Drainage and Piped Services
4.6.1 Hot Water
Hot water shall normally be provided by a gas • The boiler shall be installed in accordance
fired, room sealed, instantaneous, condensing with BS 5546: 2010 Specification for
multi-point combi water heater, ( Worcester Installation and maintenance of Gas-fired
Bosch Greenstar 28i Junior, or equal or better) water-heating appliances of rated input not
located at high level in the position shown exceeding 70kW net and manufacturers
on the drawing and installed to comply with instructions.
manufacturers and appropriate building • The hot water installation shall be carried
regulations requirements. This boiler series MUST out in light gauge copper tube and shall
be used to ensure compliance with Part L2 of be designed and installed in accordance
Building Regulations. with BS 8558: 2011 Specification for Design
• Note that the boiler MUST be installed so that Installation Testing and Maintenance of
a minimum of 600mm clear space is left in Services Supplying Hot Water for Domestic
front of it for servicing. This includes ensuring Use within Buildings and their Curtilages.
that no shelving or other obstructions • Pipework shall be concealed as far as
are subsequently installed to reduce this possible but not hidden inside stud walls etc.
clearance. • Any voids which are used for pipe runs must
• The boiler heating circuit will supply a low be ventilated.
pressure hot water heater coil installed in the • Gas pipework should be primed and painted
fresh air intake duct ( supplied and installed yellow ochre.
by others). The plumber must connect the • Gas pipework shall terminate with an
hot water supply to the heater coil via a appropriate sized yellow handle stop-cock,
thermostat and 3-way valve (supplied by adjacent to each appliance, and earth
others). bonded as required.
• The plumber must install isolation valves on • All water pipework in unheated areas shall
the flow and return pipework to the heater be insulated against frost with insulation of a
coil so that the coil can be isolated in case suitable thickness.
of a problem. • The insulation, adhesive, tape and all other
• A drain-off point should also be fitted to the installation materials shall be suitable for use
heater coil circuit. in food premises.
• Any pipework, return loops, or similar, needed • All exposed pipework shall be installed with
to ensure the safety of the boiler must be sufficient clearance between the pipe
installed using appropriate pipework and (or insulation surface) and adjacent walls,
fittings. pipes, cables, equipment etc. to allow
• The gas supply pipe for the boiler should be proper cleaning.
not less than 22mm. • All valves shall be WRC approved,
• The gas supply pipe for the boiler must be manufactured from non-dezincifiable brass.
routed so that in the event that the solenoid • A commercial gas installation certificate
valve disconnects supplies to the ovens, the must be provided on completion.
supply to the boiler remains connected.
4.6.1 Hot Water 30 May 2018