Page 24 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 24

2.1 Stud Walls

       Generally,  all  new  internal  non-load  bearing     Plasterboard  surfaces  which  are  to  receive  a
       partitions   and     downstands      should    be     ceramic  tile  finish  are  to  be  sealed  with  pva
       constructed from overall 70mm thick metal stud        bonding agent.
       frame with 12.5mm plasterboard face to both
       sides. All joints in plasterboard to be taped and     Principle  Contractors  must  ensure  that  office
       filled   if required, and must be fully supported     partition walls include sound proofing insulation.
       by noggins or studs behind, to avoid cracking.
       Maximum  spacing  of  studs  to  be  600mm.           NOTE:  Partition  walls,  counter  fronts,  door  frames  must
       Principal Contractors must ensure that the stud       NEVER be butted up tight to glazed windows.
       centres, depth and specification generally, is fit
       for  purpose,  specifically  with  reference  to  the
       height of partitions required.

       Where  metal studwork  is used supplementary
       earth bonding will be required.

       It  is the  responsibility of  the  contractor  to
       determine where dry linings are required, and
       adjust  his  price  accordingly  at  quotation.  The
       contractor  is  required  to  provide  high  quality
       wall finishes which are true and flat, concealing
       electrical cables either by chasing into existing
       plaster  and  fitting  of  suitable  conduits,  or  by
       concealment behind dry lining, again running
       wires in suitable conduits.

       For  printed  graphic  walls,  the  contractor  must
       always reference  the  ‘wall preparation  for
       PFC  wall  coverings’  guidance  document  by
       Printflow, noting that MDF walls where vinyls are
       to be applied must be biscuit jointed.

       Dry linings, (where required), to perimeter walls
       are to be 12.5mm plasterboard on plaster dabs
       or suitable metal grounds. Joints in plasterboard
       are  to  be  taped  and  filled  as  necessary  and
       must be fully supported to avoid cracking.

       2.1                         Stud Walls                                            3 September 2018
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