Page 19 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 19

Internally Illuminated Aluminium Projecting Sign      Externally Illuminated Aluminium Projecting Sign
          (Tile logo only)
                                                                Projecting sign having panels sized as shown on
          Projecting  sign  having  logo  size  as  shown  on   project drawing.
          project drawings.
                                                                Panels constructed from folded aluminium,
          Steel rim frame and wall back plate with 2no.         25mm returns all round to each panel, fitted to
          37.5mm  circular  space  bars  welded  between        an internal support carcass and wall back plate
          both, all powder coated RAL 7043 traffic grey.        with  2no.  37.5mm  circular  aluminium  space
                                                                bars, all powder coated RAL 7043 traffic grey.
          Sign to stand off from the wall to the edge of        Projection of sign from the wall to the back of
          the logo by 125mm.                                    the projector 125mm.

          An internal centre panel of 5mm foamex is to          To  the  face of  each panel is applied the  tile
          be  fitted  to  take  two  sets  of  LED  modules,  for   logo to dense red Multi Fix 7911 and dense blue
          even illumination to both sides.                      Mactac 9839-24 on white leaving a 5mm white
                                                                border all round.
          Face  panels  to  be  formed  of  10mm  opal  050
          acrylic, rebated,  powdercoated  white  and           Illumination  by  2no.  80mm  diameter  extruded
          inserted into steel rim.                              aluminium  trough  lights  illuminated  by  LED
                                                                power modules. Trough light modules are to be
          To  the  face  of  the  acrylic apply translucent     guaranteed for a minimum of 5 years.
          vinyls  red  Mactac  9758  -  06  and  translucent
          blue Mactac 9738 - 05, stencil cut to form the
          tile logo with 5mm white border all round.

          A 20mm steel rim, powder coated in RAL 7043
          traffic grey will be applied to both sides of the
          tile logo.

          1.5.6                      Projecting Signs                                       30 May 2018
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