Page 14 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 14
1.5 Fascias and Signage
• In all cases, the typeface is to be Domino’s 1.5.1 Fascia Signage General Principles
UK Font. This and the tile logo are only The standard fascia sign consists of four
obtainable from Domino’s Pizza UK & Ireland elements:
Ltd, Property Department.
• The .ai graphics file must be obtained from 1) The backing panel.
DP UK&I and must always be used. This is 2) The tile logo
NOT a standard recognised font and is not 3) The “Domino’s” letter set
available from any other source. 4) A white underline.
• The .ai file shows the USA standard signage
and needs to be modified slightly for use in The standard fascia signage consists of built-up,
UK and ROI, as follows: internally illuminated, individual letters / logos,
- The colour of the lettering should be white lit by LED’s (NOT fluorescent or Neon). Only the
to match RAL9010, and not blue as shown front face of each letter and the tile logo, are to
in the .ai file. be illuminated, NOT their side returns.
- The relationship of “Domino’s” to the tile
logo must be altered, in accordance with In ALL versions, a non-illuminated white bar
the setting out guidance in section 1.5.2. (underline/strapline) should be applied
under the logo and lettering, although it may
occasionally be omitted if the fascia depth is
too shallow. This bar is to be 50mm wide with
30mm returns, at the length indicated on the
specific drawings for each project, and is NEVER
Correct illuminated.
Where the Local Authority specifically requests
an alternative method if illumination, the signage
Incorrect should still be constructed as built-up, individual
letters and logo (unless the Consent specifically
• The word “Pizza” should never be used on requires another type of construction), and
signage for the UK and ROI. external LED trough lighting should be installed
• Note that the ‘TM’ and ‘R’ marks must always above it. The length of the lighting must be no
be included. shorter than the overall tile logo and Domino’s
• In all cases, the site specific drawings for letterset.
each project must be referred to, and they
take precedence over anything written in In some instances it may be appropriate to
this specification if there are any conflicts. adopt halo method of signage illumination (refer
If anything is unclear refer to the DP UK&I to section 1.5.5) but only where local authorities
project manager or the Design Team. are not willing to accept internally or externally
illuminated signage as described above.
1.5 Fascias and Signage 30 May 2018
1.5.1 Fascia Signage General Principles 30 May 2018