Page 28 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
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2.3 Skirting Details

       2.3.1 Front of House Skirting

       Skirting  in  front-of-house  areas  is  to  be  installed
       to  provide  a  constant  datum  around  the
       full customer  area.  Set  out  with  the  skirting
       top  150mm  AFFL  at  the  centre front  of  the
       counter. Contractor should strike a line from the
       counter position (150mm AFF) setting constant
       skirting  head  to  all  other  customer  walls.  The
       skirting  will  be  supplied  200mm  deep  to  allow
       for scribing to any variations in floor level.

       Customer area internal wall skirting’s are to be
       finished in 150mm bonded laminated boards on
       to MR MDF. Colour grey to match shopfront.

       2.3.2 Back of House Skirting

       As noted in 2.2.2 Back of House Floor Finish, all
       back  of  house  skirting  will  be  continuous  vinyl
       cove (as floor vinyl).

       Tiled walls to have PVC Capping strip for the vinyl
       sheet flooring to be coved into. PVC Capping
       strip in black. Code KCS by Genesis, or similar
              Technical Datasheet - Skirting
       and approved.
              P.V.C Capping Strip - KCS
              Product Description
              Genesis KCS is a flexible PVC capping seal used
              to finish the top of a resilient floor covering
              where it has been coved up the wall.
              Capping seals are usually used in conjunction
              with a cover former.
              Dimensions and Colour
              The KCS profile is available in 2m lengths
              OR 20m coils. The profile is 40mm wide
              (W) x 2mm deep (D). And in White, Black
              or Dolphin Grey finishes.
               W    W  D
                 KCS01  KCS02  Daily   Installation
                          Brush down the profile using a soft bristled   Preparation is essential to a good quality
                          brush and remove any dust by wiping with a   installation. Surfaces must be sound, smooth,
                          damp cloth.  dry, and free from contaminants which will affect
                          Twice Weekly or as Required   adhesion. Wall surfaces should be free from any
              Technical Details  Brush down the profile using a soft bristled   previous coverings, linings or adhesive residues
              PVC is particularly suitable for a wide range   brush with clean, warm water, containing the   used to fix them. Paint films and any mould must
                          correct dilution ratio of a ph neutral cleaning
              of applications due to its excellent chemical   solution. Then apply a small amount to a wet   be removed and the affected surface treated
                                       correctly. The capping seal should be allowed to
              resistance. Genesis profile KCS is a Matt    green scotch pad and gently clean the surface   acclimatise for 24 hours prior to installation at
              Grade filled flexible PVC extrusion. The    in a left to right motion. During the cleaning   an ambient temperature of 18°C.
              physical properties of the material in terms    process, the water must be changed on a
              of Mechanical performance, Softness, cold    regular basis. Do not soak the profile. Once   1. Mark the position of the top of the capping
              flex and cold bend and Water Absorption    the profile has been cleaned thoroughly rinse   seal on the wall and join together using a
              are all in accordance with BS2782.  chalk line.
                          with fresh, clean water and dry with a dry
              All Genesis PVC profiles are REACH compliant.  lint free cloth. Stubborn marks such as boot   2. Apply a proprietary contact adhesive to the
                          blacking may be removed by rubbing with of a   wall and back of the capping seal.
              Maintenance  green scotch pad and neutral detergent. After   3. Allow the adhesive to become touch dry.
                          cleaning, dry thoroughly with a lint free cloth.
              Regular maintenance will prevent the buildup   Due to the physical properties of the PVC   4. Once dry, bring both surfaces together and
              of dirt and grease. Under no circumstances   material, we strongly recommend that the   apply even pressure along the capping seal
              should degreasers of any type be used on this   green pad is changed regularly. On completion   ensuring any air bubbles are removed and full
              profile. Similarly floor cleaners/ sanitizers which   the profile should be completely dry. The   contact is made with the wall.
              contain hydrocarbons or citrus based agents   cleaning methods described for the above   5. All internal corners should be mitre cut.
              should not be used. Floor sealants, polishes   mentioned products can be used with other   External corners may be mitre cut or
              should not under any circumstances be applied   Genesis products that are PVC.  wrapped around
              to PVC, the use of such aggressive detergents
              could result in colour fade within the PVC.      To be read in conjunction with counter detail drawings
       2.3.1   P.V.C. Trim • Stair Nosings • Expansion Joints • Transitions • Seals • Edge Protection • Metal Trim • Skirting • Tools  30 May 2018
                                   Front of House Skirting
       2.3.2  Tel: +44 (0)1642 713000     Back of House Skirting                         30 May 2018
              UK Head Office & Factory
              Stokesley Business Park   Stokesley
              North Yorkshire   TS9 5JZ   UK
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