Page 25 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 25

2.2 Floors

          All existing floors to be cleared of loose materials,   Planks must be staggered to obtain a random
          dust  and  debris  and  cleaned  to  ensure  good     finish. Adjacent planks to have minimum 150mm
          bond  with  new  finishes.  Where  deviations  in     overlap at end joints.
          levels  are  identified,  floors  are  to  be  repaired
          and levelling screen applied in an appropriate        Lay-down  customer door  mat  will  be  from
          manner to suit the floor construction.                ‘Watco  Ltd’    colour  “BROWN    BLACK”    (see
                                                                supplier  details).  Other  similar  items  may  be
          Where vinyl flooring is to be laid over cement        acceptable, subject to approval.
          screed or concrete floors, the floor layer MUST
          check moisture levels  and satisfy  himself that      Grey,  Blue,  Red,  etc,  colour-ways  are  NOT
          they  are  low  enough  for  the  vinyl  to  be  laid   acceptable.
          correctly. If levels are too high then a suitable
          and  approved    DPM  should  be  laid,  after        Amtico : Spacia range
          consultation  with  the  Project  Manager  and/or
          flooring manufacturer. Any subsequent costs for        SS5W2533 Featured Oak          102mm x 915mm
          repair due to high moisture levels will be passed      SS5W2527 New England Oak       102mm x 915mm
          to the Principal Contractor.                           SS5W2514 Traditional Oak       102mm x 915mm

          Following  installation,  all  new  areas  of  flooring   Silicone seals to all edges of flooring is required front
          must be cleaned in line with manufacturer’s           and back of house.
          recommendations to remove site dirt/dust and
          any residue of adhesives etc.  Once clean,
          the new flooring must be protected and kept
          covered until handover of the completed job.

          2.2.1 Front of House Floor Finish

          Front of house areas to be finished using Amtico
          vinyl plank, flexible PVC 2.5mm tiles. Floor to be
          laid in three finishes, equal split and random lay.
          All planks to run parallel to the counter and not
          the shopfront or any other walls. This may result
          in many angled cuts and this should be allowed
          for when quoting and ordering materials.

          Equal quantities of all three, random lay, in EN
          13893 Class DS (dry condition)* DIN 51130 R9 AS/
          NZS4586 R9.

          2.2                        Floors                                                 30 May 2018
          2.2.1                      Front of House Floor Finish                            30 May 2018
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