Page 32 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 32
2.4.3 Timber Feature Wall
A timber feature wall, running vertically to Both Panels A and B will be supplied by Paradigm
connect the floor planks with the ceiling beams in lengths of either 1500mm or 3000mm and
to create a defined zone for the eat in seating installed as appropriate. Where there is no
area, may be installed in all new concept stores banquette seating to be installed against the
where the size of the customer area permits. The host wall for the feature timber panels, 3000mm
overall width of the feature timber wall will vary panels must be installed with the length cut
between stores (the Contractor must refer to to suit the height of the suspended ceiling on
the project drawings) but will always consist of site by the Contractor and to fit flush with the
a variation of two standard 600mm wide panel skirting below. When banquette seating is
types; Panel A and Panel B. utilised in customer area, the timber panels will
normally be installed above the back of the
banquette seat. The banquette will be supplied
with adjustable feet to allow the back rest of
the seat to butt up directly beneath the fixed
timber panels. All panels are to be fixed back to
wall via hidden mechanical fixings.
In all instances the top of the timber walls must
finish 10mm below the suspended ceiling level
to provide a shadow gap.
2.4.3 Timber Feature Wall 30 May 2018