Page 37 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 37

2.5.2 Suspended Ceilings
          The  customer  area,  together  with  all  back  of   Ductwork and mechanical plant, etc, installed
          house areas which are visible  to customers at        above  the  suspended  ceiling  must  be
          the  counter,  are  to  be  finished  with  the  same   independently supported, and must not impose
          suspended  ceiling  specification.  The  tiles  and   any additional load on the suspended ceiling.
          grid will be sprayed to RAL 7037 Dusty Grey prior
          to delivery (Domino’s special). In back of house      At  the  point  where  the  fresh  air  duct  goes
          areas not visible to the customer, white tiles can    through to outside air (this is normally adjacent
          be used as an alternative.                            to the rear wall), there will be a filter box built
          NOTE: that the light fittings are a slightly darker grey (RAL   into the duct. This box will have one removable
          7039),  and the shopfront  darker still,  (RAL 7043).  This is   side  to  allow  the  filter  to  be  changed.  The
          intentional.                                          ceiling grid must be arranged so that this filter
                                                                box  is  easily  accessible  through  a  tile,  and
          Tile  Armstrong (Orcal) Metal Lay-In Tile,            without the grid obstructing access. If necessary
                Board Edge – Product Number BP9334M             it will be acceptable to modify the grid at this
                Colour: Painted in RAL 7037                     point to accept a 1200 x 600 tile or preformed,
          Grid Armstrong Prelude 24mm XL2                       prefinished  metal  access  hatch,  colour  to
                Peakform Main  Runner – 3600mm2                 match ceiling tiles.
                Armstrong Prelude 24mm XL2 Cross Tee’s
                Colour, all special RAL 7037

          Refer to project specific drawings for setting out
          of ceiling grid and feature beams.

          The  project  drawings  will  include  a  reflected
          ceiling  plan.  This  is  for  general  guidance  only.
          The standard setting out dimensions should take
          preference in the event of discrepancies.

          The  Contractor  is  to  ensure  sufficient  support
          is  provided  to  the  suspended  ceiling  to  carry
          the self weight plus the increased lighting load,
          pattresses, etc, and any other services, grilles, or

          2.5.2                      Suspended Ceilings                                     3 September 2018
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