Page 69 - RMBA Upper School Haggadah 2018
P. 69
● Answer: Chametz
● Ques on: What does the word Seder mean?
● Answer: Order
● Ques on: What does the word 'Metzer', from the Hebrew word Mitzrayim mean?
● Answer: Restricted or Boundary
Tzafun – ָצפוּן
After the meal, take the Afikoman and divide it among all the guests at the Seder table.
It is forbidden to drink or eat anything (except the remaining two ritual cups of wine) after eating
the Afikoman.
Why Do We Hide The Afikoman? - Daniella Schneider (7th Grade)
What is the point of hiding the afikoman to find at the end of the seder? Everyone is so red
and the kids who were looking forward to it are already fast asleep?
But it isn’t just a game. It symbolizes the Jews on their hunt for the Torah. When you leave the
table to start looking for the afikoman it symbolizes the Jews leaving Egypt. The search
represents the Jewish people searching for freedom. When you find the afikoman and receive
the prize you earned it represents the Jews finding redemp on in exchange for the Torah.
Finding the afikoman isn’t just a physical thing we do but is also a spiritual thing we do. We
must rely on our ins ncts and have faith that we will find what we are looking for, just like our
ancestors did in the desert, following Hashem blindly through a land that they did not know,
and having faith that it will all work out. Just like we should.
Why Do We Call Afikoman ‘Afikoman’? - Amit Vaknin (7th Grade)
We call afikoman ‘afikoman’ because the word afikoman means “put out food” (afiko=put out)
(man=food). God gave out Mann like we do with the Matzah that we hide in the end of the
meal. The halacha says “ ”אין מפטירין הפסח אחר אפיקומןwhich means that we can’t eat anymore
a er we eat the Passover korban, so we can't put anymore food out a er the matzah that we
eat in the end. Another explana on for the word is that it is Greek, and it means dessert.