Page 6 - PR 2014 2016 05 Renewable Energies
P. 6

108   Renewable Energies | Progress Report

               Highlights 2014-2016

               Direct Ammonia Fuel             Anodic oxidation of formic acid on PdAuIr/C-Sb O ·SnO
                                                                                              2  5    2
               Cell performance                electrocatalysts prepared by borohydride reduction
               using PtIr/C as anode           electrocatalysts prepared by borohydride reduction (Fig 2).
               electrocatalysts (Fig 1).
                                                  900                     100    120
               CELL POTENTIAL ( V)               800
                                                  700                     80     100
                0.7                               600                     60
                0.6                             E / mV  400                     P / (mW • cm -2 )  80
                0.5                                                       40     60
                0.4                               200                     20     40
                0.3                               100
               0. 2                                0                      0      20
                                                    0  0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35  0  5  10  15  20  25  30
                0. 1
                                                          j / (A cm )                    Time t/min
                  0  2  4  6  8  10 12 14 16 18 20
                    Current Density (mA cm )   Figure 2. (a) Current time curves at 0. 5 V in presence of 1. 0 mol L-1 formic acid solution and 0. 5
                                               mol L-1  H SO  solution for Pd / C-ATO and PdAuIr / C-ATO electrocatalysts at 25°C. (b) Curves (I-V)
                                                     2  4
                                               and the power density at 100°C using Pd/C-ATO and PdAuIr/C-ATO electrocatalysts Pd/C-ATO;
                                               PdAuIr / C-ATO(50:45:5); PdAuIr/C-ATO(70:20:10); PdAuIr/C-ATO(90:5:5)
                0.3                            Electrochemical and fuel cell evaluation of
               0. 2
                                               PtAu/C electrocatalysts for ethanol electro-
                0. 1
                 0                             oxidation in alkaline media (Fig. 3).
                  0  2  4  6  8  10 12 14 16 18 20                               10
                    Current Density (mA cm )      0.7
                0.7                               0.6                             8
                0.6                               0.4                             6
                0.5                             Cell Potential / V  0.3         Power Density / mW cm -2 mg Pt  4
                0.4                               0. 2
                0.3                                                               2
                                                  0. 1
               0. 2
                                                   0                              0
                0. 1                                0  10  20  30  40  50  60      0  10  20  30  40  50  60
                 0                                 Current Density / mA cm mg  -1  Current Density / mA cm mg  -1
                  0  2  4  6  8  10 12 14 16 18 20                       Pt                             Pt
                    Current Density (mA cm )
                                               FIGURE 3. Direct ethanol fuel cell performance of the PtAu/C electrocatalysts, Pt/C and Au/C.
               POWER DENSITY (MW CM )
                4.5                             4.5                             4.5
                4.0                             4.0                             4.0
                3.5                             3.5                             3.5
                3.0                             3.0                             3.0
                2.5                             2.5                             2.5
               2. 0                            2. 0                            2. 0
                1. 5                            1. 5                            1. 5
                1. 0                            1. 0                            1. 0
               0. 5                            0. 5                            0. 5
                 0                               0                               0
                  0  2  4  6  8  10 12 14 16 18 20  0  2  4  6  8  10 12 14 16 18 20  0  2  4  6  8  10 12 14 16 18 20
                    Current Density (mA cm )        Current Density (mA cm )        Current Density (mA cm )
               FIGURE 1. Polarization and power density curves of a 5 cm  DAFC at 40°C. (a) and (b) using NH4OH 1.0 mol L . (c) and (d) using NH OH 3.0 mol L .
               (e) and (f) using NH OH 5.0 (both in KOH 1 mol L ). Ir/C (1 mg Ir cm ), Pt/C BASF and PtIr/C (1 mg Pt cm ) compositions used as anode, for cath-
               ode in all experiments was used Pt/C BASF (1 mg Pt cm ).
                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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