Page 14 - HFHB - Magazine
P. 14
Healthy Breakfast options
You might be surprised to know that the cereal aisle in sugar per 100gm.
the supermarket is probably one of the most unhealthy. So now we have covered the bad, how about we look at
If you take the time to read the ingredients and nutrition the good?
panels; you will realise that there is nothing healthy Oats, plain simple oats come in different varieties; all of
about most of them… which make a great breakfast option. Rolled oats will
just need a little more cooking than the quick cut variety.
Even the ‘healthy options’ are not as healthy as you You can get the quick satchets in original or in flavours;
might think. Take Special K, the advertising for this the original is literally just oats. No added sugar and
product is all around it being the perfect breakfast option you can cook them up and add your own flavourings
for women especially those wanting to lose weight. that you like. The flavoured versions obviously have
additional ingredients; keep an eye on both the
This is the tag line on the Kellogs website: “Special K® ingredients and the nutrition panel on these.
Original is made with rice, whole wheat and oats. These Even though the package says “Creamy Honey” for
delicious 99% fat free flakes are a source of protein and example doesn’t just have oats and honey; this one also
fibre – worth waking up for!“ has added sugar, milk powder and maltodextrin. Where
So you would be forgiven for thinking you were making as if you cook up the original and add in the honey, that
a good decision. is it (of course you will cook in either water or milk but
Keeping in mind that the ideal sugar content for a prod- you get the idea).
uct to be in the ‘healthy’ range is 5g of sugar per 100g; Rolled oats are also a great ingredient to add in to
Special K has nearly 3 times that amount per 100g. smoothies to add extra bulk and help keep you fuller for
Unfortunately there are not a lot of healthy packaged longer.
cereals on the market. Even those that you would think Muesli’s are another great option for breakfast; again
are sugar free or at least low in sugar aren’t really. All you will need to take care with the ingredients list and
Bran for example the ‘plain cereal’ still has 16.7g of nutrition panel. Some muesli mixes can appear a little