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leaves are doing their job, then you will love sharing the    smoothie recipe includes spinach, green apple, celery, mint
     produce with family and friends. Tip: don't plant too many.   and coconut water.  Mint and spinach are very easy to grow
                                                             and are great for a summer plant.  Body and soul have listed
     Eggplants—Eggplants and tomatoes are related like       their top green smoothie recipes.  If you have any smoothie
     cousins, although eggplants like their growing conditions a   mixture left over then freezing it in icy-poles is a great idea
     little warmer. You will need to support eggplants with stakes  for a cold snack for the kids.
     as the fruit gets quite heavy, and they don't like to dry out.
     Keep them well fed and watered, and let the bees do their   Vegetable fritters from your kitchen gardens—Fritters are
     thing and you will have a bumper crop.                  easy and you can add whatever vegetables you like. To
     Lettuce & Similar Salad Greens—With a smorgasbord of    combine the finely chopped vegetables just add an egg and
     choices, lettuce is a relatively fast growing crop to grow.   some almond meal. Make sure you don't forget to add the
     Flourishing in spring and autumn, lettuce responds really   amazing fragrant herbs you have growing in your garden.
     well to lots of water.  Lettuce is a great addition to a    Coconut oil is a good alternative for frying them in.  Serve
     courtyard set up or small container pots, especially the    with beautifully leafy greens from your garden and you have
     miniature variety. You need to harvest as soon as they look  an amazing main meal or pack as a snack for your kids.
     perfect, especially in the hot weather because they won't be
     perfect for long.                                       Herbal Iced Tea
                                                             With the hot weather why not use your fresh herbs to make
     Beans—From the common dwarf bean to the purple          iced tea.  It is as simple as gathering all you're in season her
                                                             bs and boiling it in approx 4 litres of water.  Add ice once it is
     climbing bean, they are not only delicious but a very hardy    cooled down. Peppermint and Chamomile are my favourite
     and fruitful plant. Most beans are climbers (except dwarf &   teas. ABC have created a great list of the best herbs to grow
     bush), so you need to make sure you can support them up    for iced tea.
     to 2 meters high. Why not try a bean tee pee or an A-frame
     walkway for your beans to become part of your garden    Salsa—Mexican recipes never go astray. There is nothing
     design.                                                 more summer than fresh salsa with lime juice. Salsa can be
                                                             used or served with tacos, eggs and even with you BBQ.

     Capsicum—You can grow capsicums all year round, but     Make your own tomato sauce—This is a great alternative to
     they are fussy about position. They like a nice sunny spot,   the sugary tomato ketchup and sauce you buy in the
     however they don't like the frost and can die back over the   supermarkets.  Quirky Cooking website has some amazing
     cooler months. Don't take them out, they will come back   recipes including this tomato ketchup recipe.  If you do not
                                                             have a thermomix then you can use a high-powered blender
     even stronger when spring hits. Capsicums grow great in   to puree.  This sauce is great as it can be used as a base for
     containers and like a deep soil for their roots. Don't pull them  pizza, in pasta dishes and as a condiment for a variety of
     off, just cut them off as it can stress out the plant.   BBQ meats.

     # Tip 3 – Garden Kitchen Recipes to Make The Most of
     Your Produce                                            Growing produce at home is not just about saving money,
     The worst thing that can happen when you have an        enjoying  organic  produce,  that  you  would  normally  pay  a
                                                             fortune for; it’s about sharing the whole growing experience
     abundance of produce left over, is that it goes to waste. My   with  your  family.  Teaching  our  kids  where  food  actually
     best advice is have a few recipes or options up your sleeve   comes  from  is  a  rich  life  lesson  in  itself.  If  they  can  also
     for the excess produce. Of course share them with your   experience the process from seed to garden to plate, it’s a
     family and friends, but you can also get smart at making the   childhood  memory  you  are  creating  right  there,  and  that’s
     most of your nutrient dense patch!                      pretty awesome! Enjoy.

     Green Smoothies—Green smoothies are a great way to use
     up any vegetables in your garden. A favourite easy green   Article submitted by Becky from Family Garden Life
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