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high in sugars per 100g BUT have a look at the          keep you feeling full throughout the morning.
      ingredients list, if the muesli mix has real fruit pieces   Eggs on toast are another great breakfast option, and
      included then some of the sugar is coming from those. If  you can really choose your favourite style of eggs (you
      there is no ‘added’ sugar (meaning sugar as an          can still fry eggs, just dry fry them or spray a little olive
      individual ingredient) then you know that all of the sugar  oil spray as opposed to filling the pan with vegetable oil)
      is natural sugar and coming from the fruit. Yoghurts can  and still get the benefits; it is what you put with your
      be a bit tricky; they are a great addition to smoothies   eggs that can diminish the healthiness. For example
      and also to have with your muesli but you need to make  frying up mounds of bacon and sausages and dousing it
      sure that you are choosing the right ones.              all in sauce not such a healthy option. Smashed
      The very delicious fruit/yoghurt mixes may look and     avocado and/or some leg ham/trimmed bacon and
      taste great but they are so full of sugar (and not the   spinach not only add in some additional flavour but also
      good kind) that you could easily have your daily sugar   offer their own health benefits. Smoothies are very
      intake in one serving.                                  convenient if you are on the run in the morning and
      Greek yoghurt or Natural Yoghurt are the best options   don’t have the time to sit down and cook and eat a full
      and are the lowest in sugar. But make sure you check    healthy breakfast. If you use a base of oats, yoghurt and
      the ingredients as some yoghurts are named Greek        fruit with your choice of milk you can make a smoothie
      Style Yoghurt or Flavoured Natural Yoghurts and tend to  filling enough to keep you going all morning.  If this
      have more ingredients (including preservatives, sugars   doesn’t fill you up, you can always add a piece of
      etc) as opposed to Natural Greek Yoghurt or Natural     wholemeal toast to help you feel fuller. This will also
      Yoghurt which should only have a few ingredients        help you if your body doesn’t think it has had a meal
      namely: Milk, Milk Solids, Yoghurt Cultures (or         without chewing something.
      something similar).
      You can add your own flavourings to your yoghurts like  This is just the start of the healthy breakfast options and
      honey, fruits or as I mentioned above add them to your   you will notice that non of these options are going to
      smoothies and/or mueli’s etc. The humble toasted        cost a lot in ingredients; in fact most of these options are
      sandwich; there is absolutely nothing wrong with having  far cheaper than the packaged, unhealthy options that
      something as simple as a toasted sandwich for           you are probably consuming already. similar).
      breakfast.  Ham, cheese, avocado, spinach and
      tomatoes are all great options to include in your       Article by Katrina Gee - Healthy Family Healthy Budget
      sandwich and when using wholegrain/wholemeal bread
      this breakfast option is going to satisfy your appetite and
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