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Hungry teens

     If you have teenagers in the house, I know you will  them up.
     appreciate all the help you can get to keep them        • Stock up on cereal. Buy high fibre cereals, these
     fed. Boys especially seem to have hollow legs and  make a great snack at any time of day, look for
     can never be filled up. Ask a teenager their four       cereals that contain at least 3 grams of fibre per
     favourite foods and they’re likely to say burgers,      serve. Avoid sugary cereals as these will only give
     fries, soft drinks and chocolate bars.                  them a sugar hit and have them back in the pantry
                                                             in no time.
     Media influence doesn’t help with advertisers           • Feed a sweet tooth with fruit. Leave it in a bowl
     tempting them with a huge array of unhealthy            on the bench or chop up a delicious fruit salad.
     foods. Unfortunately, teenagers who have                Fruits that are in season are ideal as they are
     unhealthy eating habits are likely to take them into  normally cheaper to buy.
     adulthood. Once they develop a taste for salty, fatty  • Stretch it out. Add grated vegetables and slices of
     or sugary foods it’s so much harder to break the        bread to help the mince dishes go further. Think
     habit, so it’s important to encourage them to eat       rissoles, spaghetti bolognaise and pasta bakes,
     well now.                                               teens love them.
                                                             • Leftovers are your friend. Leftovers can easily be
     Poor food choices can also affect their skin which      reheated and served on grainy toast or used as a
     can be a real concern in puberty. By cutting out        jaffle filling.
     greasy food and sugary drinks such as colas their       • Plan ahead. Home cooking is definitely a great
     skin will show a quick improvement. There’s also        way to save money. Make the time for a cooking
     cases of teenagers developing Type 2 diabetes,          day and freeze into meal sized portions for when
     caused by an unhealthy diet and a lack of exer-         they announce, “I’m starving!”
     cise.                                                   • Stay hydrated. Thirst can often be mistaken for
                                                             hunger. Make sure they have access to plenty of
     Providing them with healthy options doesn’t need        cold water; a much better choice than expensive,
     to break the bank. Follow my eight simple tips          high sugar soft drinks or those so-called energy
     below to fill up hungry teens:                          drinks.
     • Have quick options on hand. An omelette is quick
     and easy to make. Use the recipe provided or            Article submitted by Annette Sym of Symply Too
     substitute veggies with what you have on hand.          Good
     Add leftover cooked chicken or sandwich meat to
     the mix if you wish.  Homemade pizzas are another
     quick option.
     • Fill up with fibre. Foods that are high in fibre will
     keep them feeling fuller for longer. Including
     vegetables or salad with their meals will help fill
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