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ingredient list for all your chosen meals and double    you don’t feel like you have wasted money on buying
     check your pantry for any ingredients that you already   them.
     have. Look at how much you have left of your pantry
     staples, do you have enough for all of the meals that   •  Start from the Outside And Work Your Way In –
     require that ingredient?                                yes I know it is from ‘Titanic’ but the same rule applies,
                                                             all of the fresh, healthy food is around the outside of the
     Third Step: Do Some Research. Have a look at the        supermarket. Fruit, veg, meat, dairy, bread, frozen food
     catalogues for Coles and Woolworths or if you prefer    all are kept around the outside of the supermaket aisles.
     jump online and compare the prices from the major       Once you have bought all of your fresh produce then go
     supermarkets near you. If you have an Aldi in your area   through the aisles to pick up your staple ingredients.
     it is well worth having a look at there products and
     prices. I regularly do at least a partial shop at Aldi. Even   •  Shop Only The Aisles You Need – when you have
     taking into account the time and effort to go to 2      finalised your shopping list you will realise that you don’t
     different shops I am saving close on $50 by going there   need to walk up and down every aisle of the
     and picking up some bits and pieces.                    supermarket. There will always be aisles that you can
                                                             avoid. E.g. The Soft Drink aisle, the chips and chocolate
     Also visit your local butchers and fruit and veg shops   aisle. This helps to stop impulse buying unhealthy foods
     and check out there prices and quality. I prefer the    that aren’t on your list just because they are on special.
     quality and freshness of my local farmers market for my   For example walking down the chip aisle and seeing the
     fruit and veg and it usually lasts much longer. And I   18 pack of snack pack chips on special and thinking
     much prefer the mince and sausages from my local        “hmmm that would mean I don’t need to make the kids
     butcher and the prices are better too.                  snacks this week” That may be true, BUT do you want
                                                             to send your kids off with more packaged stuff than real
     It really is worth the time to shop around to find the best   food?
     value products and it will save you time and money in   Besides you can make your own potato chips in about
     the long run.                                           15 minutes at home

     Fourth Step: Remember These Tips –
                                                             So you see it just takes a little planning and you can
     •  Never Shop Hungry!!! It is a golden rule for a       feed your family healthy, wholesome meals and snacks
     reason; if you go to the shops hungry then you will find   every day on the same if not less money than you would
     yourself buying a whole bunch of products that you don’t   on packaged, unhealthy and not very nutritious
     actually want or need but you are just craving at that   products.
     particular point in time. This is when the impulse chips,
     chocolate, bakery products etc. will be bought and then   Article by Katrina Gee - Healthy Family Healthy Budget
     when you get home they will sit in the pantry and you
     will end up eating them so they don’t go to waste and
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