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that this does not mean you are removing the good Here are some Staple Ingredients to consider
part of using wholemeal flour. Even the sifted stocking up on:
wholemeal flour is going to be a hell of a lot better
for you than the highly sifted and bleached white • Rolled Oats
flour. Once you get used to the texture of the • Brown/Basmati Rice
wholemeal flour you can either sift it and add the • Wholemeal flour
‘grainy’ bits back to the bowl or just don’t sift it. It • Tinned Fish
will depend on the recipe you are using as to how • Tinned Tomatoes (look for low salt, no added
essential the sifting is going to be.
sugar versions)
Jar sauces and meal bases are another healthy • Passata
swap you can make without too much hassle. • Wholemeal Pasta
Simply make your own. Now some sauces do • Sugar (Stevia, Coconut Sugar, Rice Malt Syrup,
require a bit of effort to recreate and I will give you Pure Maple Syrup)
some recipes for these as well. • Herbs and Spices (including Himalayan Salt &
However the most used sauces like Bolognese Pepper)
sauce are very easy to make yourself and make a • Spray Cooking Oil
lot healthier than jar sauces. All you need is some • Soy Sauce (salt reduced)
tomatoes, tomato paste, passata and herbs and • Wholegrain Mustard
viola you have the base of a Bolognese sauce. • Frozen Vegetables
Swap out traditional pasta for the wholemeal • Eggs
alternatives, white rice for Brown Rice or Basmati
Rice and white bread for a wholegrain alternative • Stock Powder (salt reduced)
(wholemeal is fine, especially with little ones as
they are less likely to notice the difference). Even If you keep a stock of these staples on hand; then
though it is slightly more expensive I do prefer you will always have the base of a cheap meal on
going to a bakery for my bread as I find it much hand and you can focus your shopping bill on fresh
higher in quality. It is also going to have less produce. And remember Homebrand/Store Brand
preservatives etc. that main stream bread products versions are usually exactly the same as the brand
at the supermarket have. name versions without the price tags.
There you have it the basics to shopping healthy; it
isn’t rocket science it just takes some thought and a
little bit of common sense. If in doubt remember “If
it is pure white, forget it”.
Article by Katrina Gee - Healthy Family Healthy