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Healthy Shopping for Beginners -

                                       Where To Start?

     There is a common misconception that healthy            cheap. And let’s face it there is no such thing as a
     eating is a complicated and expensive exercise; the  healthy sugar (I am not talking about fruit here but
     truth is that if you plan and take small steps you      the white stuff you add to your tea/coffee/cakes),
     can definitely achieve a healthy lifestyle; without     however there are alternatives to the highly refined
     breaking the bank with healthy shopping each            almost no longer food product white sugar that is
     week.Healthy Shopping for Beginners                     mass produced.

     You just need to make small changes and each of         Stevia is the closest in look and taste to traditional
     these small changes is a step in the right direction.  white sugar so is perfect for use in your cuppa and
     You can download my healthy swaps here to keep  cakes. Stevia is a sweet leaf plant that is 300 times
     handy; especially for when you are doing your meal  sweeter than sugar so you only need a very little
     plans and healthy shopping lists.                       amount of it. So even though you will pay more for
                                                             it; it will last you longer. Stevia is located in the
     If you decide that you want to make a drastic           sugar section of the supermarket and comes in
     change; and as of today want to be healthier then       tabs, sachets and powder forms.
     your initial shop is going to be more expensive.  As
     you will probably need to buy a whole bunch of          When it comes to sugar alternatives it is not just
     pantry staples. This does add up. However if you        about the ‘healthier’ options for me but also the
     are willing to take the time to learn; and realise that  amount of processing. I believe that the less a
     every little step counts.  You can change out           product is processed the better it is going to be for
     products each week as they run out; and eventually  my body....
     you will have a much healthier pantry and fridge/       A very simple product to swap out is FLOUR. You
     freezer.                                                can purchase wholemeal plain and self raising flour
                                                             right next to the traditional white flours in the
     Most of the healthier options at the supermarket        supermarket and there really is not much of a price
     are the same price as the mainstream alternatives;  difference. To be honest I don’t understand why the
     or only a little bit more in price. There are some      wholemeal flour is more expensive when it requires
     exceptions to this rule though.                         less processing; logic would say that should make
      Unfortunately the majority of the expense comes        it cheaper but apparently not.
     with the substitution that we all want to make
     SUGAR.                                                  When you first start using wholemeal flour, I
     Home brand white sugar is all of about $1/kg; there  suggest sifting out the ‘grainy’ bits to create a
     is just no alternative available that you can get that  smoother flour for your baking. Please remember
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