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place of arbitration). How can a court before which   would be an incentive to flout it. However,   «
           such an "award"is presenteddeclare itenforceable?   if the award is rendered in Switzerland but   Z Z E
                                                                                                             c c c c
           Ex ni hilo nihii fit. This legal impossibility appears to   enforcement is refused in France, where the   SS55535» M-+-
           exist in any case under the New York Convention,   award debtor has property, the French judg-
           since itexplicitly refers in Ardele V(i)(e)to the appli-   ment should have no effect outside of France,   OQ
           cable arbitration law.'Manycourts have conñrmed   even ifit explicitly bases itselfon a ground of
           this interpretation ofthe New York Convention"50.  nullity which would have nullified the award   NACIONAL
                                                            every where had it been rendered in a primary
           El mismo Van den Berg agrega que:                jurisdiction. The award creditor may still seek
                                                            enforcement in any other jurisdiction which
               "The disregard o f annulment o f the award   is party to the Convention. The criticaI diffe­
               (...) involves basic legal concepts.  When an   rence between primary and secondary fora,
               award has been annulled in the country of    then, is the radias ofeffeets oftheir respective
               origin,  it has become non-existent in  that   decisions.  As opposed to  the nullification
               country.  The fact that the award has been   o f the hypothetical award in Switzerland,   ro
               annulled implies that the award was legally   which should have universal effect, a putative   —I
               rooted in the arbitration law of the country   nullification in France should have no effect   TJ
               o f origin. How then is it possible that courts   beyond France".52                       TJ
               in another country can consider the same                                                  T 3
               award as still valid? Perhaps some theories   Sin  embargo debemos ser conscientes de  los   CD
               of legal philosophy may provide an answer   serios  problemas que puede ocasionar para la   c
               to this question, but for a legal practitioner   comunidad internacional que siempre la deci­
               this phenomenon is inexplicable. Itseems that   sión de anulación tenga efectos erga omnes.  "O
               only an international treaty can give a special                                           O
               legal status to an award notwithstanding its   En  efecto,  por  ejemplo:  ¿Se  debe  denegar el   u
               annulment in the country o f origin".5'   reconocimiento de  un  laudo que fue anulado    O
                                                         por un Poder Judicial corrupto?                 CD
           Incluso  Reisman,  un  acertado  comentarista,                                                "O
           indica que:                                   La  Convención  de  Nueva York ante todo tiene   3
                                                         como finalidad  incentivar el  comercio  interna­  ro
               "Once a venue (or a governing law) is selected,   cional y hacer predecible la ejecución de laudos
               the Convention assigns to these jurisdictions   dictados en  un  Estado distinto del que se pre­  T5
               a primacy with regard to the validity of the   tende el reconocimiento. ¿Decisiones arbitrarias,   i/i O
               ultímate award. If an award is rendered, let   corruptas, inmotivadas que anulan laudos deben   £
               us say, in Switzerland and is nullified under   merecer el  reconocimiento  de  la  comunidad   D
               Swiss law, it is not supposed to be enforced   internacional o deben ser reprochadas?     O
               in any other jurisdiction.  Otherwise,  there                                             ro
               would be no difference between primary and   A  pesar que  los  redactores  de  la  Convención   ro
               secondaryfora;and, instead offinality, there  de  Nueva York contemplaron  que  la  decisión  t5
               por SAMPLINER,  Gary  H.,  "Enforcement of Nullified Foreign Arbitral Awards - Chromalloy Revisited".  En: Journal  of
               International Arbitration. Vol. 14. N° 3. Kluwer Law International, 1997, pp. 141-166.
           50.  VAN DEN BERG, Albert Jan. Op. Cit., p. 17.
           51.  VAN  DEN  BERG,  Albert  Jan.  "Annulment of Awards in International Arbitration".  Citado  por SAMPLINER,  Gary  H.
               "Enforcement of Nullified Foreign Arbitral Awards - Chromalloy Revisited". En -.Journal of International Arbitration. Vol.   2
               14. N° 3. Kluwer Law International, 1997, pp. 141-166.
           52.  REISMAN, W. Michael y RICHARDSON, Brian. Op. Cit., p. 26.

            Nuevas  tendencias  en  el  reconocimiento  y  la  ejecución  de  laudos  anulados  en  la  sede  del  arbitraje   263
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