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territorialista de la Convención de Nueva York y el contrario, si la decisión de anulación es hecha «
de los Estados seguidores de la Ley Modelo de en base a un estándar internacional, el laudo no c a r
UNCITRAL. debe ser reconocido en otro Estado. Son están
M —
dares locales de anulación, por ejemplo, todas CAJ
2. Reconocer laudos anulados siempre aquellas anulaciones de laudos que se realicen OO
que la decisión de anulación sea una en base a causales distintas a las listadas en el
"International Standard Anullment". artículo V.1. literales a), b), c) y d) de la Conven NACIONAL
ción de Nueva York.
Jan Paulsson señala que:
Nosotros entendemos que el principal problema
"the problem ofenforcing annulled awards con esta propuesta es que desconoce la auto
might be resolved by exerdsing judicial discre- nomía de la voluntad de las partes al pactar una
tion to disregard what I called an LSA ("local determinada sede del arbitraje. Como mencio
standard annulment"), i.e., an annulment namos anteriormente, las partes al pactar la sede
based on the perceived violation o fa local del arbitraje son plenamente conscientes que la rO
peculiarity. The foreign annulment should anulación del laudo se va a tramitar en el Poder
preelude enforcement only if it was based Judicial de esa sede y saben de antemano las Oí
on an internationally recognized defect, causales bajo las cuales el laudo se puede anular. "O
i.e., if it was an ISA ("international standard "O
annulment")"-57 Así pues, y aun cuando las causales de anulación CU
previstas por la legislación del foro fueran exóti c
Según la propuesta del autor, si la decisión de cas o salidas de una novela de García Márquez, las J2
anulación es realizada bajo un estándar local, el partes libremente las consintieron al momento CU
laudo debe ser reconocido en otro Estado. Por de pactar la sede del arbitraje. Por ello, no solo 0
and that they were not bound by the conflict oflaws rules ofthe seat ofthe arbitration. The famous paper 'Lex X¡
Facit Arbitrum' by F.A. Mann, published in 1967,submitted in essence that only a national legal system could ro
provide the basis upon which the arbitrators were to adjudicóte a given dispute, and that the legal system in 3
question had to be selected by applying the conflict oflaws rules ofthe seat ofthe arbitration. The underlying <_>
philosophy was that arbitration had to be amenable to supervisión by judges of the seat of the arbitration. JO
Along the same Unes, many criticisms followed regarding the existence of a lex mercatoria, and the question ai
whether either lex mercatoria or, for example, principies common to French and English law could constitute T J
genuine rules of law. o
Today, however, it is widely accepted that arbitrators have no forum, and that they are entitled to apply not only 3
the law they deem appropriate, without referring to any rules of conflict of laws, but also more generally rules ro
of law, which ineludes lex mercatoria, the principies common to two given legal systems (as was the case in the O
Channel Tunnel arbitration) or general principies oflaw (as was the case in the Andersen arbitration).This ability
is now endorsed by the rules of many arbitral institutions, some of which modified their rules in order to allow it. "O
ro +-*
It is also endorsed by the majority of arbitral doctrine and by various international conventions. Admittedly, the
UNCITRAL Rules need to be revised in this respect, but the current proposals for revisión precisely suggest that the CU
reference in article 33(1) to the applicable 'law' should be modified to refer to the applicable ‘rules of law’ that ro
arbitrators may apply. >
Again, French law was the pioneer on this issue by codifying, in 1981, that arbitrators are entitled to apply 'rules oflaw',
as distinct from the law ofa given legal system, in order to resolve disputes, and that they can select the relevant law or
rules oflaw directly, without having recourse to conflict oflaws rules. This too was revolutionary at the time, andyet it
is now internationally accepted. o
Without necessarily predicting the same success to the concept of an arbitral legal order, one musí admit that the í£>
consequences ofthe existence ofthis concept are potentially far-reaching". K
57. PAULSSON, Jan. "Towards Minimum Standards of Enforcement: Feasibilityofa ModelLaw". En: VAN DEN BERG, Albert q
Jan (Ed), Improving the Efñciency of Arbitration Agreements and Awards: 40 Years of Application of the New York q
Convention.ICC A Congress Series. Vol. 9. París: Kluwer Law International, 1998, p. 576.
Nuevas tendencias en el reconocimiento y la ejecución de laudos anulados en la sede del arbitraje 265