Page 260 - HBR Leader's Handbook: Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level
P. 260
Index 249
Whittle, Dennis, 20, 21 Xerox, 41, 46, 72, 73, 228
Winn, David, 46, 57–58, 62, 64 threat scanning by, 163
Wirth, Mike, 162 XL Insurance, 5, 6, 7
Wolfensohn, Jim, 17–20, 33–34, 226, accountability at, 125–126
228 capability building at, 131–133
stakeholder engagement by, 34–35 complexity at, 127–129
storytelling by, 41 culture at, 143
vision development by, 33–34 metrics at, 134
work-life balance, 216–219 operational reviews at, 138, 140
workshops, 196 performance expectations at, 120–121
World Bank, 6, 228 results focus at, 117–119
mission and values of, 21
stakeholder engagement at, 35–36
storytelling at, 41 Zaleznik, Abraham, 4, 8
vision at, 17–20, 24 Zappos, 24
vision development at, 35–36 Ziolkowski, Jim, 93–94
what changed and didn’t change at, 23 Zurich Financial Services, 29