Page 255 - HBR Leader's Handbook: Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level
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244 Index
learning (continued ) McKee, Annie, 82
intentionality in, 202–203 McKinsey, 25, 65–66, 172–173, 209, 227
ongoing, 73–74, 96–101 McLean, Andrew N., 189–190
from others, 203 McNamara, Robert, 18
styles, 206 McNerney, Jim, 173–174
Leinwand, Paul, 68 MD Anderson Cancer Center, 26, 27
Lenovo, 166 Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, 209
Lesser, Richard, 95, 149 Merck, 97–98, 109, 111
letting go, 225–226 career development at, 111
Lischewski, Chris, 162, 185 merger with Schering-Plough, 201
listening, 183, 205–206 mergers, 63–64
Lundgren, John, 159, 184, 203, 209, 214, meritocracy, 103
227 metrics, 116, 118–119, 120
Lundgren, Tamara, 55, 66, 214 getting the right, 134–138
Lyons, Richard, 112 for innovation projects, 157–158, 176
for measuring your life, 218–219
tracking multiple, 137–138
Macia, Seraina, 5, 7, 224 mindset, of teams, 87
accountability and, 125–126 mission, 20–21, 22. See also vision
at AIG, 166 Mitchell, Will, 63
capability building by, 131–133 modeling, 10, 228
complexity reduction by, 127–129 candid dialogue, 140–141
culture change by, 143 cultural behaviors, 110
operational reviews by, 138, 140 feedback, 94
performance expectations of, 120–121 innovative thinking, 178
rapid experimentation by, 170 Moore, Joseph, 171
results focus of, 117–119 morale, 18
vision of, 26 Morse, Gardiner, 204
Macmillan, Ian, 52 Mortensen, Mark, 87
managerial habits, 127 motivation, 7, 224
managers, 4 sharing incentives philosophy and,
compared with leaders, 8–9 101–105
Manardi, Cesare, 68 Motorola, 110
Manuel, Katherine, 158, 170, 177 Muilenburg, Dennis, 174, 178
market changes, 148 Mulally, Alan, 148
Martin, John, 215 Mulcahy, Anne, 41, 46, 215, 228
Martin, Roger, 51 communication by, 73
Mayer, Diana, 189–190 on modeling culture, 110
McCarthy, Catherine, 215 on-the-job learning by, 201
McChrystal, Stanley, 46, 58, 62, 66, 130, on resilience, 185
215, 224 on resource allocation, 72
on authenticity, 190 skills of, 83, 226
learning from failure by, 228 threat scanning by, 163
purpose of, 184 time management by, 214
on resilience, 185–186 values of, 185
routines created by, 213–214
teams under, 88
McGinn, Daniel, 130 Nadella, Satya, 161
McGrath, Rita Gunther, 52 NCR Corporation, 91, 228