Page 253 - HBR Leader's Handbook: Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level
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242 Index

           Francis, Suzanne, 201             Ibarra, Herminia, 190
           Frazier, Kenneth, 97–98, 109, 111   IBM, 30–31, 166, 171
           from-to charts, 41–42             IBM Watson, 154
           frontline workers, 60             ideas, testing, 69–70
                                             identity, of teams, 87
                                             IKEA, 24
           Galai, Yaron, 155                 Immelt, Jeff, 166
           Galvin, Robert, 110               impact, significant positive, 5–7
           GE, 83, 85–86, 90, 95–96, 97, 109   sharing yourself and, 210–211
             disruptive innovation at, 166, 167   sustainability and, 149
             operational reviews at, 139–140   implementation, 54, 71–74
           Géczy, Andrew, 103, 141, 218      incentives, 79, 112–113
           General Motors, 24                  for innovation, 175–177
           George, Bill, 189–190               questions to ask about, 103–105
           Gergen, David, 15                   sharing the philosophy on, 101–105
           Gerstner, Louis, 30–31            indecision, 70–71
           goals                             information, withholding, 85
             big, hairy, audacious (BHAG), 26,   initiatives, 142
               226–227                         rapid results, 131–133
             complexity as barrier to, 116, 126–129   innovation, 11, 147–180
             cultural, 106–109                 balancing present and future with,
             for high potentials, 99–100         150, 154–159
             profit as, 26–27                   bottom-up, 149–150
             setting high performance, 119–126   breakthrough, scanning for, 161–163
             significant positive impact, 5–7   champions for, 176
             strategic, setting, 57–59         controlled failure and, 170–171
             stretch, developing, 122–123      corporate venturing and partnering
             for teams, 87                       for, 167–168
           Goldsmith, Marshall, 204            culture and, 150, 172–179
           Goleman, Daniel, 82, 188            disruptive, 164, 165–168
           Goodall, Ashley, 96                 getting ready for the future and, 150,
           Google, 157                           159–163
           Google Glass, 170                   incentivizing, 175–177
           Govindarajan, Vijay, 148, 156–157, 158,   incremental, through adjacencies,
               171                               159–160
           growing yourself, 182, 194–208      intentionality in, 164
                                               lean, 168–169
                                               make-or-buy decisions and, 63–64
           Haas, Martine, 87, 171              modeling, 178
           habits, 186–190                     portfolio approach to, 156–159
           Hartnell, Chad, 110                 shaping the future and, 150, 163–172
           Heinick, Rick, 201                  in strategy development, 65–66
           Hewlett-Packard, 167                sustaining, 165
           high potentials, 98–101             at Thomson Reuters, 150–154
           horizontal thinking, 89             vision and, 16
           HP Enterprise, 167                innovator’s dilemma, 156
           HP Inc., 167                      inspiration, 226–227
           human resources functions, 96–97    bold vision and, 25–27
           humility, 39, 156, 205, 227–228     in vision development, 33–35
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