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Index 243

             integration, 217–218                culture changes and, 109–113
             International Paper, 100–101        development practices for, 9–13
             interpersonal skills, 10, 188–189   as disruptors, 119–126
             Intuit, 29, 157                     emotional intelligence and, 82
             investments, 72, 168                energy renewal for, 215–216
                                                 forward-looking, 32–33
                                                 future-focused culture and, 172–173
             Jenkins, Renard, 48                 humility in, 39, 156
             job rotations, 100–101              indecision in, 70–71
             Jobs, Steve, 27, 229                knowing yourself, 182–194
             job titles, 34                      knowledge and skills of, 190–192
             Johnson & Johnson, 172              leading yourself, 9–11, 181–221
                                                 letting go by, 225–226
                                                 managers compared with, 4, 8–9
             Kaiser, Robert, 205                 need for, 2–3
             Kaplan, Robert S., 138, 205         personal style and habits of, 186–190
             Katzenbach, Jon, 106                right mix of, 79
             Keller, Scott, 144                  sharing incentives philosophy and,
             Kerger, Paula, 5, 8, 51               101–105
               communication by, 73              significant positive impact of, 5–7
               constraints by, 54                social contract and, 78
               on feedback, 193                  soft skills of, 10
               focused investment by, 72         in strategy development, 74–75
               leadership by, 74                 strategy success and, 45–46
               purpose and, 53                   time to focus on the future, 155–156
               purpose of, 184                 leadership, 3
               research on the current situation by,   capability building and, 131–133
                 60–61                           community, 202, 209
               skepticism of, 55                 definition of, 4–9
               strategic goals of, 57            importance of, 223–224
               on strategy communication, 56     integration for total, 217–218
               strategy development by, 47–50    results and, 143–144
               threat scanning by, 163         leading yourself, 9–11, 181–221
             Kerr, Steve, 102–103                growing yourself, 182, 194–208
             Kinicki, Angelo, 110                knowing yourself in, 182–194
             Kirkland, Jane, 155–156, 213        sharing yourself, 182, 208–212
             knowing yourself, 182–194           taking care of yourself, 182, 212–220
             knowledge, 190–192                lean methods, 52, 57
             Kouzes, James, 32–33, 35            controlled failure and, 170–171
             Kraft Foods, 24                     innovation, 168–169
             Kramer, Steven, 132               learning. See also development
             Krishnamoorthy, Raghu, 95–96        capabilities, developing, 173–175
                                                 choosing an approach for, 195–196
                                                 coaches for, 204
             Lafley, A. G., 51                    from failure, 171–172, 200–201,
             Laws, Kevin, 27                       227–228
             leaders                             formal, 196–197
               authenticity of, 189–190          general principles for, 204–208
               character of, 183–186             informal/on-the-job, 197–204
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