Page 252 - HBR Leader's Handbook: Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level
P. 252
Index 241
Deutsche Bank, 66 executive coaches. See coaches
development exercise, 215
culture change and, 111 expectations, 102–103, 116, 226–227
fostering for employees, 96–101 managing, 36
for high potentials, 98–101 setting high, 120–122
practices for leaders, 9–13 in vision development, 36
preference for, 206 experiments, 69–70, 168–169
sharing yourself with others, 208–209
of top talent, 97–98
Dewar, Carolyn, 144 failure
differentiation, 67 being prepared for, 200–201
discipline, 72, 133–143, 155 controlled, 170–171
Disney, 34 learning from, 171–172, 200–201,
dispassion, 84–86 227–228
disruption, 60, 119–126, 164, 165–168 feedback, 78, 79
divesting, 160–161 360-degree, 93, 111, 193
DocuSign, 95 accountability and, 122–126
Dolan, Pat, 174–175 culture change and, 111
Drucker, Peter, 51, 59, 115, 147, 181, 187 giving difficult, 84–86, 91–93
harnessing performance, 90–96, 111
in knowing yourself, 183
Eagle Star Insurance, 28–29 learning from, 203
economic shocks, 148 perspective provided by, 192–194
effectiveness, 187–188 team, 93–94
Eisenstat, Russell, 130 throughout the organization, 94–96
emerging business opportunity units, 171 Ferguson, Roger W., Jr., 158–159, 175,
emotional intelligence, 82, 188–189 178, 215, 226
empathy, 120–121 feedback for, 193
employees, 77–113 on-the-job learning by, 201
balancing organizational needs with threat scanning by, 163
their personal needs, 77–78 values of, 185
building and coordinating teams of, volunteer work by, 209
86–90 Fernández-Aráoz, Claudio, 82
development of, 80–81, 96–101 Finnström, Magnus, 98
in identifying stretch goals, 122–123 flexibility, 88
leadership teams, assembling, 80–90 focus
performance feedback for, 90–96 in investments, 72
sharing incentives philosophy with, on results, 11, 115–145
101–105 focus groups, 38
social contract with, 78 Ford Foundation, 5, 7–8, 228
encouragement, 120–121 capability building at, 130
energy renewal, 215–216 feedback at, 94
engagement learning and development at, 96
process for, 37–39 performance feedback at, 90–91
stakeholder, 34–39 social contract management at,
in vision development, 34–39 79–81
who to involve in, 36–37 team goals at, 87
enterprise innovation workshops, 176 teams at, 86
execution, 116 Ford Motor Company, 147–148