Page 247 - HBR Leader's Handbook: Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level
P. 247

236 Further Reading

              Johnson, Mark. “Reinventing Your Business Model,” Harvard Business Review,
                October 2009.
              McGrath, Rita, and Ian MacMillan. “Discovery-Driven Planning,” Harvard Busi-
                ness Review, July–August 1995.
           Embracing the future
              Barton, Dominic, James Manyika, and Sarah Keohane Williamson. “The Data:
                Where Long-Termism Pays Off,” Harvard Business Review, May–June 2017.
              Heifetz, Ron, and Donald L. Laurie. “The Work of Leadership,” Harvard Business
                Review, December 2001.
              Kotter, John. “Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail,” Harvard Busi-
                ness Review, January 2007.

           Chapter 6: Leading Yourself

           Knowing yourself
              Craig, Nick, and Scott Snook. “From Purpose to Impact,” Harvard Business
                Review, May 2014.
              Drucker, Peter F. “Managing Oneself,” Harvard Business Review, March–April
              George, Bill, Peter Sims, Andrew N. McLean, and Diana Mayer. “Discovering Your
                Authentic Leadership,” Harvard Business Review, February 2007.
              Goleman, Daniel. “What Makes a Leader?” Harvard Business Review, November–
                December 1998.
              Ibarra, Herminia. “The Authenticity Paradox,” Harvard Business Review, Janu-
                ary–February 2015.
              Kaplan, Robert S. “What to Ask the Person in the Mirror,” Harvard Business
                Review, January 2007.
           Growing yourself
              Ancona, Deborah, et al. “In Praise of the Incomplete Leader,” Harvard Business
                Review, February 2007.
              Argyris, Chris. “Teaching Smart People How to Learn,” Harvard Business Review,
                May–June 1991.
              Ashkenas, Ron. “If Your Boss Tells You to Get a Coach, Don’t Panic,” Harvard
                Business Review, February 26, 2015.
              Ashkenas, Ron, Suzanne Francis, and Rick Heinick. “The Merger Dividend,” Har-
                vard Business Review, July–August 2011.
              Baldoni, John. “Before Working with a Coach, Challenge Your Self-Assumptions,”
      , March 15, 2013.
              Benko, Cathy, and Molly Anderson. The Corporate Lattice: Achieving High Per-
                formance in the Changing World of Work. Boston: Harvard Business School
                Publishing, 2010.
              Bennis, Warren, and Robert J. Thomas. “Crucibles of Leadership,” Harvard Busi-
                ness Review, September 2002.
              Edmondson, Amy C. “Strategies for Learning from Failure,” Harvard Business
                Review, April 2011.
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