Page 248 - HBR Leader's Handbook: Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level
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Further Reading 237

               Goldsmith, Marshall, and Gardiner Morse. “Behave Yourself,” Harvard Business
                  Review, October 2002.
               Kaplan, Robert E., and Robert B. Kaiser. “Stop Overdoing Your Strengths,” Har-
                  vard Business Review, February 2009.
               Manville, Brook. “How a Stint in ‘Dead-End HR’ Made Anne Mulcahy a Better
                  CEO,”, April 3, 2016.
               Manville, Brook. “Learning in the New Economy,” Leader to Leader 20 (Spring
                  2001): 36–45.
               Marks, Mitchell Lee, Phillip Mirvis, and Ron Ashkenas. “Rebounding from Career
                  Setbacks,” Harvard Business Review, October 2014.
               Marks, Mitchell Lee, Philip Mirvis, and Ron Ashkenas. “Surviving M&A,” Har-
                  vard Business Review, March–April 2017.
               Wenger, Etienne C., and William M. Snyder. “Communities of Practice: The Orga-
                  nizational Frontier,” Harvard Business Review, January–February 2000.
             Sharing yourself
               Casciaro, Tiziana, Francesca Gino, and Maryam Kouchaki. “Learn to Love Net-
                  working,” Harvard Business Review, May 2016.
               Cross, Rob, Reb Rebele, and Adam Grant. “Collaborative Overload,” Harvard
                  Business Review, January–February 2016.
               Farnell, Richard. “Mentor People Who Aren’t Like You,” Harvard Business Review,
                  April 17, 2017
               Finklestein, Sydney. “The Best Leaders Are Great Teachers,” Harvard Business
                  Review, January–February 2018.
               Grant, Adam. “In the Company of Givers and Takers,” Harvard Business Review,
                  April 2013.
               Silver, Nora, and Paul Jansen. “The Multisector Career Arc: The Importance of
                  Cross-Sector Affiliations,” California Management Review, November 1, 2017.
             Taking care of yourself
               Ashkenas, Ron. “How Trivial Decisions Will Impact Your Happiness,”,
                  December 13, 2010.
               Christensen, Clayton M. “How Will You Measure Your Life?” Harvard Business
                  Review, July–August 2010.
               Friedman, Stewart D. “Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life,” Harvard Business
                  Review, April 2008.
               Pozen, Robert. “Boring Is Productive,”, September 19, 2012.
               Schwartz, Tony, and Catherine McCarthy. “Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time,”
                  Harvard Business Review, October 2007.
               Seppala, Emma. “How Meditation Benefits CEOs,”, December 14, 2015.
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