Page 256 - HBR Leader's Handbook: Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level
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Index 245
Neal, Philip, 157 leaders in raising the bar for, 195
Nest, 15–16 measures for, 10
Netflix, 165 of teams, 87–88
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, understanding current, 59–62
39, 93 performance management systems,
Nike, 24, 168 94–96
Nishimizu, Mieko, 20 personality assessments, 187
Nokia, 161 personal strategies, 212–216
Norton, David, 138 personal style, 186–190
perspective, 192–194
P&G, 157
Obama, Barack, 214–215 PGS, 214
Ober, Richard, 39, 93 pilot programs, 177
on-the-job learning, 197–204 Porras, Jerry, 22–23, 26, 29, 147–148
open-mindedness, 55–56 Porter, Michael, 45, 51–52, 66, 67–68
operational innovation funds, 176 portfolio approach to innovation,
operational reviews, 134, 138–143 156–159
opportunities positive reinforcement, 112–113
balancing present and future, Posner, Barry, 32–33, 35
154–159 Pozen, Robert, 214–215
for development, 79 practice, 12–13. See also six practices of
learning, 130, 206 leadership
new vision development and, 28–30 giving feedback, 92–93
for specialized learning, 199 on-the-job learning and, 197–204
strategy development and, 65–66 Prahalad, C. K., 119
organizations priorities, 214–219
building, 7–8 problem solving
complexity of, reducing, 116, 126–129 at PBS, 48
definition of, 7 in strategic choices, 54, 56
discipline in, 72, 133–143 in strategy development, 61–62
feedback throughout, 94–96 strategy development and, 65–66
unifying, 228 tough feedback as, 92
O’Sullivan, Patrick, 28–29 process evolution, 127
Outbrain, 155 Proctor, Bob, 83, 193
overconfidence, 205–206 products
Overdorf, Michael, 165–166 identifying final, 56
ownership, of vision, 37, 39 lean innovation and, 169
proliferation of, 127
profitability, vision and, 26–27. See also
“painted door” test, 170–171 performance
Parry, Charles, 171 prototypes, 177
PBS. See Public Broadcasting Service Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), 5, 8,
(PBS) 46–50, 51, 54, 163
Pedersen, Rune Olav, 214 collaboration at, 54, 56
peers, learning from, 203 communication at, 73
performance. See also results focus focused investment at, 72
accountability for goals in, 119–126 lean innovation at, 169
expectations for, 120–122 ongoing learning at, 73–74
feedback on, harnessing, 90–96 problem solving at, 61–62