Page 259 - HBR Leader's Handbook: Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level
P. 259
248 Index
teams (continued ) compelling, 23–24
structure for, 87 connecting, 16–17
support for, 87 crafting, 27–42
“team of teams,” 88–90, 113, 141 criteria for organizational, 23
technology, 73–74, 148 culture and, 106–113
tenure, rewarding, 103 definition of, 20–27
Terra Firma, 103, 141, 218 elements of, 22–23
Tesla, 148 examples of statements of, 24–25
Thomas, Robert, 199–200 exercise for creating, 34
Thomson Reuters, 6, 150–154, 155, 161 how to gauge whether you need a new,
corporate venturing and partnering 31–32
at, 167 knowing yourself and, 182
incentivizing innovation at, 175–177 mission and values vs., 20–22
innovation projects at, 158, 164, 170 organizational understanding of, 31,
lean innovation at, 169 32
learning capability at, 173 ownership of, 37, 39
modeling innovative thinking at, 178 process for, 37–39
surplus building at, 159 simplicity and clarity of, 23
threats, scanning for, 163 stakeholders in developing, 34–39
3M, 157 starting-point, developing, 32–35
“three box” approach, 156–157, 158–159 strategy for, 45, 58
TIAA, 158–159, 160, 163, 175, 178, 185 time for working on, 16, 30
time management, 155–156, 214 timing for, 16, 28–32
trade-offs, 67 when not to change, 30–31
transparency, 177 when to develop a new, 28–30
trials, 69–70 who to involve in, 36–37
Trimble, Chris, 156–157, 158 World Bank, 17–20
trust, 68, 84–85, 136, 178, 185, 192, 225, volunteer service, 209
226, 227
Walker, Darren, 5, 7, 79–81, 228
uncertainty, paralysis of, 69–70 capability building by, 130
unity, vision and, 19–20, 228–229 culture shift by, 109
US Department of Education Ready to feedback by, 94, 227
Learn grants, 70 learning and development fostered
by, 96
performance feedback and, 90–91
value chains, 67 teams and, 86
value propositions, 67 Watson, Thomas J., Jr., 77
values. See also vision weaknesses, 205
culture and, 10 Welch, Jack, 83, 85–86, 90, 97, 109
knowing your, 184–185, 187 on accountability, 124
vision compared with, 20–21, 22 culture shift by, 109–111
vision on disruptive innovation, 167
aligning people’s work with, 39–42 operational reviews by, 139–140
boldness of, 16, 23, 25–27 Wenger, Etienne, 203
building a unifying, 9, 15–43 Wesleyan University, 38
cascading through the organization, “we’ve arrived syndrome,” 29
27 what-if exercises, 167