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Index 247

               complementary, 83                 collaboration in, 55–56
               diversity in, recruiting for, 82–83   consultants, 61
               growing yourself, 182, 194–208    culture and, 105–113
               knowing your, 190–192             definition of, 51–52
               leadership practices for, 9–13    developing, 9, 11, 45–76
               on leadership teams, 80–90        fads on, 45
               soft, 10                          five tests for good, 66, 67–68
               storytelling, 40–42               goal setting, 57–59
               strategy development and, 74–75   leadership in, 74–75
             Small Business Administration, 148   leadership teams for, 80–90
             small wins, 131, 132                make-or-buy options, 63–64
             Smith, Brad, 29                     narrowing, 66–68
             Smith, Jim, 150–154, 155, 161, 224   at PBS, 46–50
               learning capability and, 173      pitfalls in, 51
               surplus building at, 159          process for strategic choices in, 53–74
             Snyder, William, 203                process of, 52–53
             social contract, 78–79, 84–85       setting the stage for, 53–56
               culture and, 106                  trade-offs in, 45–46
               managing at the Ford Foundation,   understanding the status quo and,
                 79–81                             59–62
               sharing incentives philosophy and,   vision and, 16, 23, 58
                 101–105                         on where and how to compete, 62–68
               signs of trouble in, 84–85      Strativity, 34
             Socrates, 182                     strengths, 205
             soft skills, 10                   stretch assignments, 100, 201–202
             Spector, Bert, 130                structural mitosis, 127
             spin-offs, 167                    success
             Springer, Dan, 95                   measuring your life, 218–219
             stakeholders                        sustaining, 147–148
               in strategic choices, 54, 56    surplus, building current to fund the
               strategic goals and, 58–59          future, 159–161
               in strategy development, 69–71   sustainability, 147–148
               strategy development and, 53–54   responsibility for, 179
               in vision development, 18–19, 34–39
             Stanley Black & Decker, 159, 184, 203,
                 227–228                       taking care of yourself, 182, 212–220
             State Street Corporation, 155–156, 213   personal strategies for, 212–216
             status quo                        teams, 78–79
               complacency and, 29, 149          behaviors for success in, 104
               strategy development and, 59–62   building and coordinating, 86–90
               understanding, 59–62              disruptive innovation by, 166–167
             storytelling, 40–42                 feedback for, 93–94
             strategic fit, 68                    horizontal thinking for, 89
             strategy                            leadership, assembling, 80–90
               assessing options, engaging       leadership, in cultural shifts, 109–111
                 stakeholders, and moving toward   operational reviews of, 141–142
                 decisions in, 69–71             social contract in, 84–85
               business unit, 46                 stretch goals for, 122–123
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