Page 14 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
P. 14

Virtual Workshops and Webinars

            School Law for Administrative Assistants                             fees. The session will also provide up to date information on laws
                                                                                 and guidance, and an opportunity to discuss and address issues
        Apr. 21, 2021; 9 am - 1 pm                                               regarding disputes over the provision of special education and
        Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor of              related services to students with disabilities, including disputes
        Legal Research and Content Development                                   concerning current programming or compensatory services, while
        Fee: $125                                                                schools are operating pursuant to guidance and laws necessitated
        As we all work to get through a global pandemic, your                    by the current pandemic. Target Audience - Directors/Supervisors
        administrative assistant has been essential to helping you adapt         of Special Education, school law attorneys. This session is approved
        to our new realities. What better way to show how much you               for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits.
        value your administrative assistant than to support his/her
        professional growth? This workshop will address key legal issues         Exploring New Jersey’s Learning Standards
        that all administrative assistants need to know, including student       in the Visual and Performing Arts
        residency, use of email and social media, and the essentials of
        HIB and discrimination law. It will discuss the new protocols that       (PSEL Standards 4, 6, 7 and 10)
        need to be in place to address the pandemic and the remote               Apr. 21, 2021; 2 pm - 4 pm
        environment, including how to address issues of staff and student        Presenters: Jeff Santoro, Supervisor of Fine & Performing Arts,
        privacy, accommodating employees with underlying medical                 West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District and Kerri
        conditions and understanding staff First Amendment rights when           Sullivan, District Supervisor of the Arts, K-12, Bridgeton Public
        commenting on controversial current events.                              Schools
                                                                                 Fee: FREE
                Preparing for Special Education                                  Co-Sponsored by FEA and Arts Ed NJ
        Mediation & Due Process                                                  In this webinar, participants will learn to navigate the new online
        Apr. 21, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm                                               portal for the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in the
                                                                                 Visual and Performing Arts. This session will provide supervisors
        Presenter: Isabel Machado, Esq., Machado Law Group                       and teacher leaders an opportunity to begin unpacking the
        Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members                                       new standards and appendices. Many practical implications
        This session will provide a detailed explanation of the particular       of implementation, including professional development and
        procedures which must be followed when preparing for a Special           curricular revisions, will be explored through peer-to-peer and
        Education/Due Process Hearing. Topics to be discussed include:           facilitated discussion.
        Differences between filing for Mediation and Due Process; Stay-
        put issues; What is required during the 30-day resolution period;
        New Procedures with respect to initial hearing date/settlement
        conferences; Pre-trial orders; Expert witnesses/Expert Reports;
        Discovery and preparing for Due Process; Preparing to Testify;
        Post-trial briefs; Appeals; and prevailing Party and attorneys’
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