Page 15 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
P. 15

Virtual Workshops and Webinars

           9 Awesome Reasons to Use Infographics for                                 Implicit Bias, Disproportionality, Discipline
        Leading and Learning (PSEL Standards 4, 6, 7,                            and the Law
        and 10)                                                                  Apr. 23, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm
        Apr. 22, 2021, 9 am - Noon                                               Presenter: John K. Worthington, Esq., LEGAL ONE Consultant
        Presenters: Jacqueline Frangis and Bobbie Felip, FEA                     Fee: $125
        Consultant                                                               Click here to Register with MUJC
        Fee:                                                                     Offered in Partnership with the Morris-Union Jointure Commission
        Target Audience: school and district leaders, supervisors in all         We all have implicit biases. But if we fail to recognize our biases
        content areas, K-12 teachers in all content areas                        and take concerted steps to mitigate their impact, they have the
        “As the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”, since         potential to lead to unfair and potentially discriminatory treatment
        infographics have both ‘pictures’ and ‘words’, it represents the         of students, parents and staff. This workshop will provide
        best of both worlds: the ability to dissect a complex subject, and       participants with an understanding of the key legal requirements
        the ability to sustain the attention of the reader while doing so. “It   that are in place to ensure that all districts take thoughtful steps
        (infographic) keeps people’s interest by lending a storytelling and      to recognize, reduce and respond to implicit biases and ensure
        visual element to what can be sterile research.” – Caitlin McCabe.”      that students and other stakeholders are treated fairly at all times.
        Explore the benefits of infographics. Gain an understanding of           The impact of the current pandemic on disciplining students with
        why the brain craves infographics. Discover the power of using           disabilities, including codes of conduct and means of imposing
        visual representations to creatively enhance content delivery,           consequences and sanctions, will also be addressed. Participants
        increase learning, and foster critical thinking. Examine the purpose     will gain knowledge and skills in:
        and usefulness in leading, teaching, and learning, and begin to            • The legal responsibilities of school districts with respect to
        design your own professional infographic to spark engagement,                identifying and addressing significant disproportionality;
        interaction, and the joy of leading and learning.                          • Possible causes of significant disproportionality, including
                                                                                     implicit bias; and
                                                                                   • Ways to look for, and address, significant disproportionality in
                                                                                     identification and eligibility of students, placement decisions,
                                                                                     and discipline of students with disabilities.

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