Page 10 - RCGC Mag
P. 10
Seniors Captains Report – Ken Watherston
I write this update on the state of the union with the senior season drawing to its conclusion.
We have had a super year as far as club results go, yes, we have lost a few matches, but the
overall spirit has been first class. Winning 8-0 has its ups, but when you then lost 6.5 to 1.5,
we all then realize it is only a game.
The comradeship has been immense. I have seen this year, as in previous years that the inter-
club matches we are involved in are just what we need at this time in our golfing careers. I
have been so proud to have lead from the front, and have the fun, we have all had. I thank
Phil Sparshatt(fixture secretary) for the extra mile he has put in this year to set up our golf
matches for next year.
The competitions are nearly finished, and I congratulate all winners this year. Next year, as
you may already know, we as a section celebrate our 50 anniversary, so we have arranged a
few extra events, including a new trophy.
Another event on the agenda for 2018, we have sent invitations to all the clubs we play
matches against. This is for a special day, with ourselves playing with two guys from all 20
clubs we have an association with. Our club has made a contribution of £200 towards the
prizes. We hope we can promote the club well on that day, check your diary for next year.
I thank Tom Goodale and Tony Cose for being there to keep our club competitions up and
running, these guys are the people who make it all work. I also would like to thank Alan
Jones who has coordinated the club matches with the match managers this season. As I write
we have had 100% turn out for each match, win or lose we have had fantastic support from
all the seniors this year, so a pat on the back to all. The accounts this year are still in the
black, and we can thank David Lewis for his hard work and wisdom in keeping the seniors
committee in check on any ideas we may have had in spending. As we approach next year,
we have to be aware of today’s modern communications. We are fortunately blessed with Ian
Barrowcliffe with his newsletter each month, not only informative, but highly amusing.
Where does he get all those jokes? With the Seniors AGM in a few weeks’ time, Brian
Osborne is in full flow arranging the menu, for our end of year jolly, so look out for the sign-
up sheet for all AGM matters, the golf that day and the prize giving and AGM meal.
Graham Allan has keep us all on the straight and narrow with his club knowledge, and we
have not strayed from the section rules, our judge and jury, a big thanks. My last big thank
you is to Steve Lapage, who has carried out the secretarial work to a very high standard,
keeping us all on our toes, meeting minutes within hours, on the ball and factual. I wish him
all the very best for 2018, and in deed, wish all seniors the best of golfing experiences for our
50 anniversary. May your balls go straight and long, may your puts drop on call. May we all
receive our dreams of why we play the game. Happy Christmas to one and all. Late
congratulations to Robin Reucroft on winning, with partner Christine Richardson, the Jubilee
Salver with a brilliant score of 39 points. Yes, we do enjoy playing with our fellow club