P. 10

Their conversation flowed from life on Luna's origin planet

                         and  life  on  earth  for  three  hours.  Suddenly,  Luna’s  watch

                         started glowing, and she told Tala that it was an indication

                         that she had to go back to her planet.

                         “Remember that the stars always surround the moon. They

                         will never be alone until the end of time. So, whenever you

                         look  at  the  moon,  think  of  me  and  the  surrounding  stars,

                         which  is  you;  I  will  always  be  looking  out  for  you  from  the

                         moon,  and  our  mother  will  always  be  looking  out  for  us

                         from  the  stars.  Regardless  of  what's  happening  in  this

                         world, continue chasing your dreams. If you feel like giving

                         up,  always  remember  that  you  will  never  be  alone  as  long

                         as the moon and stars are in the sky. "

                         Luna  smiled  as  she  looked  into  her  eyes.  Tala  saw  another

                         glimpse of her dream. She saw herself and Luna watching

                         the sky together like how she and her mother used to. She

                         smiled as she headed back to reality; Tala hugged Luna one

                         last  time,  and  with  that,  Luna  disappeared  into  thin  air.

                         That was their final goodbye as sisters. As Tala headed back

                         home, she smiled to herself, looking at the moon and stars,

                         knowing  that  she  would  never  feel  alone  anymore  for  the

                         rest of her life.
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