P. 8

“So,  what’s  your  name?”  Tala  asked.  “Luna,  it  means  moon,

                         but  the  moon  has  no  one  in  it.  Although  it  is  empty,  it  is

                         peaceful  yet  quite  lonely  there.  And  you?  What’s  your

                         name?”  Luna  asked  without  making  it  suspicious,  but  Tala

                         was one step ahead of her. “From the way you already knew

                         about my ability, I am quite sure you know my name.” she

                         smiled at her.

                         They  both  chuckled  lightly,  and  then  Tala  spoke  up  again,

                         “All  right,  get  straight  to  it.  I  somehow  have  a  feeling  that

                         the  crying  and  looking  at  the  helpless  part  is  just  a  plan;

                         what  do  you  want  from  me?”  Luna  stared  at  her  as

                         everything  she  said  was  right,  but  how  could  she  possibly

                         know  that?  “Well,  that’s  a  bummer.  You  ruined  my  whole

                         plan,  but  would  you  believe  me  if  I  told  you?”  Luna  asked,

                         and Tala, in return, responded lightheartedly, “Everything in

                         my life was all weird and crazy ever since I learned how to

                         speak,  so  I  guess  nothing  will  ever  quite  bother  me

                         anymore.”  With  this,  Luna  took  a  deep  breath  and  started

                         to explain.

                         They  sat  there,  for  a  good  three  hours,  just  talking  about

                         how  and  why  Luna  ended  up  in  the  forest  that  she  lived

                         close  to  and  out  of  all  people,  why  was  Tala,  the  person

                         who found Luna.
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