P. 4

This  went  on  for  three  years,  Tala  being  in  the  closet,

                         hugging herself, with no one to protect her and no one she

                         could  defend,  she  was  all  alone.  Another  night  came;  this

                         meant  another  fight  was  about  to  break  out.  When  this

                         started,  Tala  hid  in  her  closet  once  again.  She  heard  her

                         mother scream all her father’s faults out when she abruptly

                         turned  quiet.  By  this  time,  Tala  was  already  close  to  sleep

                         and  chose  to  ignore  it,  thinking  that  she  would  be  woken

                         up  by  her  mother  once  again  when  the  next  morning

                         came. But morning came, and no one woke her up. She got

                         out  of  the  closet  to  find  her  mother.  That  was  when  her

                         whole  world  collapsed;  she  saw  her  mother  lying  on  the

                         floor with a pool of blood surrounding her and her father’s

                         nowhere to be found. Her knees felt shaky and weak as she

                         slid down to the floor; silent tears started falling down her

                         cheeks,  but  she  did  not  cry  loudly.  She  sat  beside  her

                         mother and stared at her lifeless body.

                         For  a  twelve-year-old,  this  would  be  the  most  horrifying

                         thing in the world, but Tala couldn’t bring herself to scream

                         bloody murder and ask for help. All she could think of was

                         why  she  wasn’t  there  when  her  father  murdered  her

                         mother.  Why  did  Tala  have  to  stay  in  the  closet  when  she

                         could  have  prevented  her  father  from  killing  her  mother.

                         Regret  and  guilt  flowed  through  her  system.  It  was  her

                         fault;  this  would  not  have  happened  if  she  didn’t  hide  in

                         the closet, but she was a coward.
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