Page 7 - _Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Winter 2018
P. 7


            Happy Birthday

            We wish the following residents
            a very Happy Birthday:


            6 June         Lady Patricia B.

            7 June         Lady Marea W.
            9 June         Lorita R.
            10 June        John K.

            13 June        Elizabeth W.
            28 June        Beverley G.

            5 July         Joan A.
            8 July         Bobby R.                         Monica (Joy) Lear is pictured above on the left with her family
            12 July        Jaqueline D.
            15 July        Susan H.
            17 July        Chui Ha K.               Meet Monica (Joy) Lear
            18 July        Mary S.
            28 July        Eileen M.                Monica (Joy) Lear was born in Wollongong in 1929. Her father was a
            30 July        Philip H.                barber as well as an SP bookie —also training Greyhounds. Monica
                                                    (who prefers Joy), went to St Mary’s College in Wollongong until the
                                                    age of 15. She then went to work at Lancers — a retail department
            4 August       Ken W.                   store, and became a buyer for fashion.
            4 August       Peggy R.
                                                    Joy then met James Francis Lear and they married in 1954. James
            9 August       Joan G.                  worked for CSR for many years, and after they married they both
            9 August       Peter R.                 moved to the Fiji Islands. They lived in Fiji for eight years and had two
            18 August      Joy L.                   children — Vanessa in 1955 and then Gregory, in 1959. In 1962 they
                                                    moved back to Australia and Monica then went back to work for
            28 August      Adele A.
                                                    Macdowells in stock control. In the late 1960’s, their son Gregory
                                                    discovered he had bone cancer and had to have his left leg amputated.
                                                    Sadly, after a very brave battle, Gregory died in 1969. Joy continued
                                                    working until 1984 and then took up her new “role” as a devoted


                                                    Joy absolutely loves her grandchildren and has developed a very close
                                                    relationship with all three of them, Eliza, Christopher and Alistair. Jim

                                                    and Joy enjoyed travelling and loved going to the races at Randwick
                                                    and Melbourne. In 1995 Jim died, leaving Joy alone at the age of 65.
                                                    She soldiered on and sold their house in Mosman and Joy then bought
                                                    a unit in Cremorne. Now Joy has three great grandchildren, Gregory
                                                    (six years), James (14 months) and William (five months) who light up

                                                    her life when she sees them!
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