Page 2 - _Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Winter 2018
P. 2



                                     From David

            "People don't notice whether it is winter or
            summer when they're happy."  Anton Chekhov

            Lansdowne Gardens is gearing up for the winter
            months with a number of great activities for our   Veronica at the ANZAC Day Service
            Residents. A trip to the Orchid Festival at the
            Hawkesbury Turf Club — or, with the cooler
            weather closing in, a hot chocolate at the Lindt
            Café. These are only a couple of the exciting and   Housekeeping
            wide-ranging events offered to our Residents.

            Catherine and her Leisure & Lifestyle Team        Dear Family and Friends,
            continue to seek out new and exciting events and
            locations for our Residents’ outings. With the cool   I hope that everyone is enjoying the cooler nights and
            weather heading our way it is important to ensure   sunny days. For all new residents and families, I would like
            your loved ones have enough warm clothing.        to welcome you to Lansdowne Gardens. A reminder that
            Should you bring in new winter attire, please leave   Jane Te - Clinical Care Manager has arranged for the Flu
            it with the Registered Nurse on duty so we can    Vaccinations, in mid-May 2018 for all consenting
            have it correctly labelled, so it finds its new owner.    residents and staff.

            As we are coming into the Flu Season we           Aged Care - Appointment of a Nominee
            encourage all our families and friends who visit
            their loved ones to have their Flu Vaccination. This   Family members or representatives of permanent
            will assist us in ensuring all our Residents and Staff   residents are strongly encouraged to complete and
            are at lower risk of contracting and transmitting   submit an Aged Care Appointment of a Nominee Form
            the flu virus.                                    with the Department of Human Services:

            We are continuing to seek your feedback on how
            we are doing. You will find “My Thoughts”         By completing this Nominee Form, you are then
            brochures located at the main entry and on B1.    authorised to deal with the Department of Human
            Feel free to complete this and drop it into the
            Suggestions Box next to the Director of Care’s    Services on behalf of your loved one. The Nominee will
                                                              then receive information from the Department about
            Office on Level 1. My door is always open so      changes to care costs, means-tested fees, and be able to
            please feel free to drop by B2 for a chat.
                                                              provide them with resident information about income
            Until next time….                                 and assets. An Aged Care Appointment of a Nominee
                                                              Form was sent out recently with the March accounts.
                                                              Please ensure you complete this form, attach a copy of
                                                              the relevant Powers of Attorney or Guardianship
                                                              documents and return this to the Department at the
                                                              address stated. Please note: if the Nominee does not hold
                                                              a Power of Attorney or similar, both the resident and the
                                                              Nominee will receive a letter from the Department.

            David Clark, Residential Services Manager
                                                              Lynette Phillips, Client Services Manager
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