Page 6 - _Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Winter 2018
P. 6



            Braised Pork with                                          Cooking
            Thyme and Prunes
                                                                        with Ashley, Group Executive Chef

            The kitchens in all our residences are   Ingredients:                   4. Place in an oven @160 °
            expanding rapidly, especially with the                                  and bake for 30 minutes
            growth we have seen at Bayswater        1 x kg pork neck or shoulder, cut
            Gardens and Bella Vista Gardens. I am   into large chunks               5. Heat a large pot and add
            very proud of the teams' efforts at all   2 x brown onions, peeled & sliced   the sunflower oil
            our residences. Their commitment to     1/2 x large leek, washed & sliced   6. Add the onions, celery and
            delivering fantastic fresh food and     finely                          leeks, cook until soft and
            service to our residents and families is   1 x celery stick, cut into small dice   slightly golden
            inspiring.                              1 x tbpsn garlic puree
                                                    1 x large bunch Thyme, finely   7. Add the garlic, star anise,
            Thyme is a perennial herb, which is     chopped                         remaining Thyme and mixed
            easy to grow and is a must for any      1/2 x cup sweet white sherry or   spice
            herb garden. It is my favourite herb,   white wine
            especially in winter. Thyme is good for   1 x litre Golden Gravy        8. Add the sherry or wine, and
            marinating meat, plus adding flavour    1 x 420g tin of pitted prunes   reduce by half
            to casseroles and braises. Thyme is
            best cooked; as heat releases its oils   1 x tspn mixed spice           9. Add the pork to the pot
                                                    1 x star anise
            that bring out its unique flavour and                                   with all its juices, pour over
            aroma. At Lansdowne Gardens we          2 x tbspn sunflower oil         the gravy & bring to the boil
            serve this special dish, which is best
            served with mashed or steamed           Method:                         10. Add tin of prunes (all
            potatoes and steamed green beans                                        syrup) and return to simmer
            and spinach.                            1. In a greased baking tray, with
                                                    baking paper, add the pork      11. Pour into braising pan
                                                                                    12. Cover with foil and bake
                                                    2. Add a good pinch of salt, in a   for 170 ° for 1 hour
                                                    large pot

                                                    3. Add half the chopped Thyme
                                                    and mix thoroughly
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