Page 3 - _Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Winter 2018
P. 3

         Feature Article & News from Cranbrook Care

         Delta Therapy

         Dogs Visit

         Delta Therapy Dogs recently paid a friendly visit to
         Lansdowne Gardens!                                        News from Cranbrook Care

         Neutral Bay local, Debbie Kenyon and her dog D’Arcy, a    By Nadia Panetta
         Labrador cross-golden retriever, visited Lansdowne in
         March. The visit was part of the Delta Therapy Dogs       Cranbrook at Home helps you live life to the
         program; a not-for-profit program aimed at promoting and   fullest in the comfort of your own home.
         facilitating positive interaction between people and
         companion animals.                                        The year is passing by very quickly as I settle into
                                                                   my second season at Cranbrook at Home. It has
         The residents had a great time interacting with and playing   been lovely visiting our beautiful residences and
         with D’Arcy. “It’s because he reminds us of when we were   meeting some of our wonderful residents, their
         younger and had dogs at home”, said 90-year-old Shirley   families and our caring staff.
         Freeburn, on the day of the visit. Delta Therapy Dogs make
         regular visits to various places including nursing homes,   This autumn, Cranbrook at Home has been
         hospital wards, facilities for the disabled, educational   involved in recruitment days at Bella Vista
         institutions and universities.                            Gardens and Bayswater Gardens. I have met
                                                                   some lovely caring people in the process and I
         According to the Australian Companion Animal Council, the   look forward to continuing to be a part of our
         health benefits of these animals on humans include a drop   wider recruitment process. I am also looking
         in blood pressure, help with pain management, memory      forward to having the opportunity to meet staff
         improvement, better problem solving and a general calming   and applicants at our other beautiful residences.
         effect. With an increasing number of courts, corporations
         and community facilities coming to realise the influential   Work on our Home Care service offering
         effects our four-legged friends have on the human spirit, it   continues. I am really looking forward to
         means D’Arcy and other canines will continue to be        updating you in our Spring Newsletter to share
         effective in this emerging area.                          the launch of our latest Cranbrook at Home
                                                                   service offering. Cranbrook at Home tailors
                                                                   services to suit individual needs. If you or anyone
                                                                   you know needs assistance at home, please
                                                                   contact me and I am happy to speak with you
                                                                   about our services.

                                                                   Contact Nadia Panetta on:

                                                                   Phone: 02 9458 9950

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