Page 4 - _Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Winter 2018
P. 4

         Health & Wellbeing

         Staying Young at Heart

         We already know that a healthy lifestyle is important in   5. Creating Art / Doing Crafts
         living a long life, but new studies show that having a
         range of hobbies is equally important for Seniors. It   From painting, sculpting and scrapbooking to
         has long been known that a wholesome diet, exercise and   photographing, knitting or sewing — art is one of the best
         positive health choices all help Seniors feel more    activities Seniors can practice.
         energetic. Emerging research into longevity indicates
         that mental and social activity is just as critical as physical   6. Playing Cards / Games
         activity when it comes to healthy ageing. Hobbies, and a   From playing Bridge to Scrabble, cards and games are an
         rich social network are factors that correlate        excellent way for Seniors to keep their minds sharp.
         with avoiding isolation and living longer for Seniors.
                                                               Studies show that having regular hobbies can not
         Some Healthy Hobbies for Seniors include:
                                                               only improve your psychological wellbeing, it can
                                                               also improve your physical health. The pleasure of these
         1. Visits from Family and Friends
                                                               activities can lead to positive feelings that fight against
         These catch-ups help combat isolation; one of the leading   many age-related conditions for Seniors. Some of
         causes of mental and physical decline.                the many physical benefits of pursuing your passions and
                                                               hobbies include improved brain health; including memory
         2. Gardening and being Outdoors                       and mental agility, improved sleep quality, lower blood
                                                               pressure, lower risk of heart disease and lower risk of
         It’s not only an enjoyable form of exercise, it also   stress, anxiety and depression.
         increases levels of physical activity and helps increase
         Seniors’ mobility.                                    Lansdowne Gardens offers a tailored Leisure & Lifestyle
                                                               Program that includes - Exercise and Trivia, Musical
         3. Caring For a Pet                                   Entertainment, Pet Therapy, Word Games, Gospel Music,
                                                               Art and Craft, Films and Reminiscing Groups. These are
         Pets provide a comfort system and produce a chemical   activities that all residents can take advantage of and in
         chain reaction that helps to lower levels of the stress-  doing so, assist in maintaining a good quality of life, well
         inducing hormone, cortisol.                           into Retirement.

         4. Exercise

         From improving flexibility, ease of motion and strength to
         also increasing happiness and socialisation, exercise in
         the form of golf, yoga or simply walking, has many
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