Page 1 - _Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Winter 2018
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Winter 2018

                                                                   LANSDOWNE NEWS


                              By Jackie Goss
         Dear Residents and Relatives,
         Firstly, thank you to all residents, families and staff for making
         me feel so welcome so quickly. I can’t quite believe how quickly
         the first weeks have flown! I’d like to take this opportunity to
         remind everyone that with the recent cold snap, the flu season
         will soon be upon us. At Lansdowne Gardens, we are very
         supportive of NSW Health’s recommendation for those at risk
         and those in close contact with people at higher risk of influenza   Lorita and Norman with the Easter Bunny
         complications to get the flu shot. This year NSW Health’s
         message includes; sneeze into your elbow, clean your hands and
         stay at home if sick. If you are experiencing any flu symptoms at
         all, we request that you do not visit your loved one until you are
         24-hours symptom free. After last year’s season, we’d like to do
         everything possible to avoid it spreading amongst our residents.

         Our Leisure & Lifestyle team have some wonderful activities
         coming up over the next couple of months, including an evening
         Vivid tour and more high teas, pet therapy, art classes, gallery
         and museum tours, special lunches, bus tours, cooking and of
         course a lot of music! We’ll also be starting monthly BBQs at
         both Manns Avenue and Wycombe Road, due to feedback from       Alison and Marie at the Seniors' Week Luncheon
         residents and their families. Should anyone have any other ideas
         in regards to what we could do, please let the team know.

         Once again, thank you for the welcome - if I haven’t had the
         opportunity to meet with you yet, please do drop in and say
         hello. It’s a privilege to be leading the wonderful team here and if
         there is anything further we can be doing, please let us know.
         With warm wishes,

                                                                        Grand Kids Day 2018

         Jackie Goss, Director of Care Services
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