Page 79 - Maria Constantino "The Knot Handbook"
P. 79


   A.                                  LOOP
   ..J                 (ALSO  KNOWN  AS  FIGURE-OF-EIGHT
                           ON THE  BIGHT,fLEMISH  LOOP)

              ard  to  untie and  tending to jam in  wet natural-fibre  ropes as  it did, this knot  was  not
          H favoured  at sea. N evertheless, because  it is  easily  tied  and can  be checked quickly, it is  a
          popular knot with climbers and speleologists - cavers  and pot-holers - who use  it to  attach  a
          line  to  a karibiner.

                                                                 Take  the bight over and
             Make a long bight in  the end of a               2  behind  the standing parts,
           I  length  of cord  or rope.                       making a crossing  turn.

                                                                          Pull  on  the
                                                                       4 bight the
                                                                       standing parts and
                                                                       open  out the bight
                                                                       to  rnake  the loop.
                       Bring the  bight to  the  front of the
                     3  knot and pass  it  through  the loop
                     made  by the  crossing turn. Pull  the bight
                     through  the  crossing  tu rn. The bight will
                     become  the loop of the  knot.
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