Page 12 - CITATION-2 (Honorary Doctorate)(Justus GAROEB)
P. 12
Honorary Degree, Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science (Studies)
was instrumental in influencing young Damara activists who were schooling in
Honoris Causa then Damaraland such as, Johannes Mihe Gaomab, Petrus Damaseb, Tsudao
Gurirab, and Haroldt lUirib to join SWAPO in exile.
He further inspired other activists such as, Samson Immanuel Gobs, Immanuel
Isaaks to travel with him to Zambia to meet the SWAPO leadership and to
discuss among others, political mobilization, and the liberation of Namibia.
Justus ǁGaroëb’s political activism was at a cost on his life. It is documented
that ǁGaroëb survived two assassination attempts, in the 1970s and 1980s
respectively. All these circumstances did not deter him from continuing with his
political activism.
Mr. Chancellor Sir, under the political leadership of Justus ǁGaroëb, the
Damara Raad, became known as ‘klein’ (small) SWAPO to the South Africa
colonial authorities, because of the mission he undertook to Zambia as well
as the mobilisation that was being carried out inside the country on behalf
of SWAPO. For instance, the Raad allowed the SWAPO political leaders to
use their platforms within the country to hold political meetings at a time when
SWAPO was banned to have political rallies. Justus ǁGaroëb worked closely
with the SWAPO leadership and other progressive forces within Namibia
towards the implementation of the UN resolution 435.
Gaob Justus ǁGaroëb continued to make immense contributions to political,
education, and economic empowerment of the Namibian people. Some of his
key achievements includes:
1. Opposition to the development of self-government for native nations
in South West Africa Act, No. 54 which was passed in South Africa in
1968 and was implemented in Namibia since 1969. According to Aribeb
(2020), Damara Raad made use of their own created platform to engage
the colonial administration on their own terms, avoiding indirect rule of
the colonizers.
12 | Spring Graduation 2022